Example sentences of "of the [noun sg] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The support of the lexeme of apple can therefore be discovered simply by confronting our experience with the notion itself .
2 But because of the evidence neither can we explain it away : there is the beginning of the rationality of faith .
3 The notion of ‘ rational choice ’ introduces us to another , more sophisticated conception of the rationality of racism , and one which does not require this kind of double standard .
4 Lakatos explicitly stated that the ‘ central problem in philosophy of science is … the problem of stating universal conditions under which a theory is scientific ’ , a problem which is ‘ closely linked with the problem of the rationality of science ’ and whose solution ‘ ought to give us guidance as to when the acceptance of a scientific theory is rational or not ’ .
5 There is no space to tell you of the depth of fellowship I am experiencing , of the great joy I have in teaching such folk , of all I am learning from these believers who have suffered so much , of the hardening opposition by the Orthodox Church , of the great work being done by the Baptists among Bulgarian orphans and of the plans for an orphanage , school and seminary .
6 The results — 66 per cent for the PLO , 33 per cent for Hamas and 1 per cent for Islamic Jihad — were regarded as an important signal of the depth of support for the PLO mainstream and its policy of negotiation with Israel .
7 For example , think of the depth of difference between Britain and Iran .
8 Only too conscious of the depth of passion simmering in him , and conscious too of her crumbling resistance and his vow that nothing would happen that she did n't initiate , she took a deep , shaky breath and got into the car , shutting the door firmly behind her .
9 It 's almost a confession — though that is perhaps not the right word — of the depth of feeling .
10 The trial of Sir Terence and the charges against Sir Joh were indicative of the depth of corruption associated with the National Party 's 30 years in office in Queensland which had ended with the party 's electoral defeat in 1989 .
11 Moreover we see both bomber forces gaining weight and flexing muscle ; Harris with his 100 bomber squadrons in sight ( but still painfully short of the Chief of Air Staff 's promised 3,500 aircraft ) , and the General commanding the Eighth Air Force in no better state , having to fight and fight hard to arrest the diversion of his build-up in aircraft to other theatres .
12 That is now the task of the Chief of Defence Staff and his Central Staff , who are responsible for formulating national military strategy , and for expressing it to the government of the day and within the Whitehall market-place .
13 " I 'm sick and tired of the pace of play on the Tour , " said the winner of this year 's Catalan Open .
14 Statements issued by the PLO during January were highly critical of the Baker plan and of the pace of peace negotiations in general .
15 For example , this month 's issue of Psychology Today contains the result of a study of the pace of life in 36 American cities .
16 I was in the Decoding Room briefly , as were all Hut 6 recruits , but was very glad not to remain there , as the operators were constantly having nervous breakdowns on account of the pace of work and the appalling noise .
17 Mr MacKay said that it was impossible to identify what skills workers in Wales would require by 2000 because of the pace of change .
18 Eric Wood 's stark appraisal of the pace of reform programmes came at York , where he became president of the 2,000-member National Association of Educational Inspectors , Advisers and Consultants .
19 When Florence of Worcester draws elements of his account of the battle of Assandun in 1016 from Sallust he is revealing quite a lot about the classical interests of twelfth-century historians , but also raising doubts about his own reliability , and William of Malmesbury , whose methods so often find favour with modern scholars , nevertheless records miracle stories which his critical faculties ought to have led him to doubt , and perhaps did ; and like historians of all periods , William , Florence and their colleagues were at the mercy of the bias and inadequacy of their sources , as well as their own prejudices and errors .
20 Certainly , if there was a degree of hostility to the Danes in London the anniversary of Ælfheah 's death on 19 April would have been a time when feelings ran particularly high , for Cnut 's England was clearly conscious of anniversaries of recent events , as awareness of the dates of the battle of Assandun in 1016 and the death of Edmund Ironside indicates .
21 When the new basilica of his church was consecrated late in the reign the day chosen for the event was not his own feast-day on 20 November , but that of St Luke on 18 October — the anniversary of the battle of Assandun in 1016 .
22 It is a cruel irony of the Battle of Verdun that the outlying forts that Joffre , deeming them useless , had stripped of their guns , were found to have withstood constant bombardment by both sides for many months almost unscathed .
23 One American war correspondent wrote of this incessant traffic ; ‘ The one sight of the battle of Verdun that will always live in my memory is that of the snow-covered and ice-coated road … constantly filled with two columns of trucks …
24 The date of the coronation — an event regarded at the time as a rushed and shabby affair — has inspired comment , for it was the 13th , the thirtieth anniversary of the battle of Flodden .
25 SELKIRK Halliwell 's House off the main square , actually an entire terrace of eighteenth-century dwellings , has become a museum of local and national history , with a special display of the town 's long-standing ironmongery trade , and sad souvenirs of the battle of Flodden .
26 Touring Northumberland we visited the site of the battle of Flodden in 1513 , but it is really Branxton Ridge and the monument is near Branxton village Flodden Edge is about a mile away .
27 They elected to bypass Drummossie Moor , site of the battle of Culloden in 1746 , twenty-seven years earlier .
28 At the start of the season , the defensive system was a sweeper one , it worked superbly , we were winning though , but it , it 's the , it 's the reincarnation of the battle of Culloden as far as I 'm concerned ; Bonnie Prince Charlie just trying to swamp the Duke of Cumberland .
29 This section demonstrates how , in its choice of language , film-editing techniques and subtle juxtaposition of images and commentary , television news delivered an entirely misleading and politically biased representation of the Battle of Orgreave on 18 June 1984 .
30 It is thought that none of the selection of vintage aircraft sold , the Stearman , for example , reaching £30,000 against a reasonably realistic estimate of £35–38,000 .
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