Example sentences of "of the [noun sg] is such " in BNC.

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1 The structure of the privatisation is such that institutions are effectively being left with no say in how they spend the funds they are supposed to manage on behalf of their clients .
2 The scale of the problem is such that £94m could be spent in Middlesbrough alone and there would still be housing need in that town .
3 The financial situation of the country is such that no budgetary proposals could have been guaranteed to rescue it .
4 You should get there at all costs , because it is an absolutely astonishing place , but the nature of the spectacle is such that it can only work on you properly if the cirque is not being mobbed ; it demands a certain loneliness , and on afternoons in July and August , for instance , the coaches are said to have to queue before they can get into the village of Gavarnie .
5 And the breadth of the curriculum is such that different parts will be dealt with at different times in different schools .
6 The full potential of the range is such that the new machine could be upgraded to up to 250 per cent of its initial capacity .
7 ‘ … it is a subordinate culture and occurs in prior conditions of oppression and dominance , and the whole nature of the system is such that the worker 's hands are directed by others than himself , and the product of his hands are taken away : this is the elemental meaning of alienation in work ’
8 " The drawer impliedly represents that the state of facts existing at the date of delivery of the cheque is such that in the ordinary course the cheque will on presentation for payment on or after the date specified in the cheque be met " ( per Robert Goff LJ in Gilmartin , approved in Hamilton ) .
9 We usually only have access to such details from oral testimony and written accounts which is why the apparent disappearance of Edis 's long-preserved diary of the trip is such a loss — though of course as a visitor being escorted round military sites by officials , there might be a limit to the unofficial stories she could have glimpsed .
10 The nature of the diary is such as to feed twentieth-century nostalgia , and there is no doubt that it owes much of its popularity to this .
11 Or it may be that the internal organization of the firm is such that it replicates a capital market so that middle managers are obliged to profit-maximize .
12 The constitution of the convention is such that it can not now be amended .
13 The mechanical condition of the engine is such that little attention is required at this stage .
14 For now , suffice it to say that the present state of the art is such that while some areas are capable of producing meaningful output measures , it is proving difficult to develop appropriate measures in other areas .
15 The orbit of the moon is such that its gravitational pull is great one week , and smaller the next , then great again .
16 The sensitivity of the test is such that a diluted specimen may still give a positive result , but the contaminants will be so dilute as not to cause a problem .
17 Partly this is because management has placed limitations on who can operate the VDUs , and partly the layout of the plant is such that there is only space for four cars between each work station .
18 ‘ But more than this , his domination with every aspect of the club is such that the transition period after his departure could be as painful and prolonged as the one Leeds endured after Don Revie left in 1974 . ’
19 In yet other cases a high-quality plotter-drawn product may not be required , either because the nature of the task is such that a draft product is sufficient or because the cost of producing the required number of plotter-drawn maps would be prohibitive .
20 It is true that the section does not expressly refer to proceedings by way of injunction as such ; but , as I have previously said , the breadth of the section is such as to embrace injunction proceedings , brought under the power subsequently conferred by section 222 of the Local Government Act 1972 , when such proceedings are necessary .
21 An ideal product for 600dpi reproduction is a newspaper as the quality of the paper is such that high definition typesetting is simply wasted and , as Eddy Shah found with the Messenger Group papers , you actually need less printing ink .
22 A final point is that the explanatory import of the reporting is such as to back trivial and conservative ‘ solutions ’ .
23 Yet the design of the experiment is such that the use of alternative linguistic models is still possible .
24 And the nature of the business is such that , that you 're always up against a deadline .
25 Even if the stability of the product is such that is has adequate shelf-life in the most severe market , it is likely that its shelf-life will be longer in markets having a less severe climate than in areas with more severe climates .
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