Example sentences of "of the [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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31 The introduction of local income tax would allow local authorities to undermine the budgetary plans of the Chancellor of the Exchequer .
32 However , given the claim of the Chancellor of the Exchequer , in response to the hon. Member for Ealing , North ( Mr. Greenway ) , about lower inflation , should not the Chancellor have a little more regard for board rooms where , in the balance between optimism and pessimism , the state of opinion remains distinctly negative , than for the exigencies of the exchange rate mechanism ?
33 Britain 's economic dependence on the United States was again highlighted when a British cabinet dispute over government expenditure early in 1958 led to the resignation of the chancellor of the exchequer .
34 He walked back around the side of the cottage to the open kitchen window , where the two girls were putting the packed food into a basket .
35 After several attempts at attracting attention with the knocker he walked round the side of the cottage to the back garden .
36 She dressed hurriedly , made herself a snack , took the bike and wheeled it round the corner of the cottage into the front garden .
37 An Emergency Meeting agreed on enlarging the clubhouse , including making the ground floor of the cottage into the Ladies ' locker room — to be reached by an uncovered , external stairway !
38 And further west in the village of Swalcliffe , you can even pick out the same grave-stones from the original shot , while over the road opposite the church , the only change is the conversion of the cottage on the right into a pub .
39 He struck a fine short iron over the bunker and right into the heart of the green at the 12th , and at last a putt found its mark from perhaps eight feet .
40 She thought of the green before the flats and the sudden figure .
41 We seem to get the rub of the green in the Rumbelow 's cup at the moment .
42 Then serge ( page 34 ) the turning allowance of the outer fabric to the turning of the interlining on the back of the pelmet and through the buckram , making sure no stitches show on the right side .
43 For weeks on end in 1942 and 1943 and early 1944 , before the Western Allies had launched their invasion of Normandy , the progress of the battle on the eastern front had been the principal item in the national newspapers , whatever their political complexion .
44 Much later in the books of Samuel we find another story concerning the ark which reminds us of the battle with the Philistines .
45 George Bernard Shaw 's gentle comedy , written in 1933 , is a tender and touching tale of the battle between the sexes — with locations ranging from the sun-drenched deck of the pleasure ship Empress of Patagonia to a village shop on the Downs !
46 THE Irish golfer , Eamonn Darcy ( above ) , has been given a delicate commission — to design two new golf courses on the site of the Battle of the Boyne .
47 THE FIRST Eurocentric war museum is to open on the site of the Battle of the Somme in July .
48 The aftermath of the Battle of the White Mountain in 1620 , saw a building boom in Prague and the surrounding country under the Habsburgs and their Catholic allies .
49 These grand buildings , both seminary and church , set in one of the most important squares in the city , could not have been a clearer statement from the victors of the Battle of the White Mountain .
50 The rich carving of the High Altar is by Johann Ferdinand Schorr and although it is difficult to see without binoculars , above the High Altar is a painting depicting the victory of the Battle of the White Mountain , showing the Carmelites holding aloft the small icon of the Madonna .
51 In fact it was the earliest in Bohemia and was based on the column erected in Munich by Elector Maximilian I to commemorate the victory of the Battle of the White Mountain .
52 Before I left Britain one of the best-kept secrets of the war had at last been revealed — the breaking by the Bletchley Park mathematicians of the ciphers encoded by the German Enigma machine : this priceless intelligence had enabled us to sink all the Bismarck 's supply ships , monitor the movements of Tirpitz so that attacks could be launched on her ( see page 144 ) and destroy many U-boats at the height of the Battle of the Atlantic .
53 On July 1st , 1916-the first day of the Battle of the Somme — 20,000 men were reported dead or missing and another 35,000 wounded .
54 The recommended way to tackle the Sisters is from south-east to north-west , starting near the site of the Battle of the Bridge of Shiel , a Jacobite defeat in the ill-fated rising of 1719 .
55 In Great Britain , the high cost of the Battle of the Somme had led to the fall of Asquith on 11 December 1916 and to his replacement as prime minister by David Lloyd George , in whose leadership the British people placed high trust .
56 The image of hope which had thus arisen in Williamson 's mind was soured by the reality of his second obsession : the sheer horror of his experience on 1 July 1916 , when 60,000 British soldiers were killed or wounded on the first day of the Battle of the Somme .
57 Before the mid-650s the Anglian frontier had also been extended to include Iudeu or Giudi , identified as probably Stirling ; Oswiu retreated here on the eve of the battle of the Winwaed ( HB chs 64 , 65 ) .
58 Ealhfrith must have been about 20 years old at the time of the battle of the Winwaed , after which he became king of Deira , taking over the former territory of his cousin , Oethelwald .
59 Born in 645 or , less probably , in 646 , he is first heard of in 655 , at the time of the battle of the Winwaed between the Mercians and the Northumbrians , when he was a hostage with Queen Cynewise of Mercia .
60 The more chauvinistic among us might place the marker in the calendar for 4th August of the same year when Great Britain entered the war against the central powers , or two years later at dawn on the 1st July 1916 , when the opening of the Battle of the Somme destroyed the lives or the illusions of a generation of British youth .
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