Example sentences of "of some [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It seems , for instance , that he never read Malinowski , though he did read Graves 's 1927 Criterion review of Malinowski 's work and referred in 1933 to the Trobriand Islands , site of some of that anthropologist 's famous field-work .
2 Well if I could dig a hole in the garden we could get rid of some of that stuff .
3 What follows is an edited version of some of that conversation :
4 The remaining £3000 was distributed among those other witnesses I have mentioned and whom Drury had coerced into bolstering the prosecution 's case : there is evidence that Drury took a whack of some of that money too .
5 The International Herald Tribune of Aug. 10 quoted United States scientists as saying that acid pollution from Mexico 's oil industry was largely responsible for the recent rapid deterioration of some of that country 's Mayan monuments , notably those of the Yucatán peninsula .
6 cos I did n't fancy eating it like that and er she goes , I told her give us a piece of some of that wrapping you know
7 ‘ I like the eclecticism of some of that studio stuff , ’ admits Tara speaking in his young , snotty Jagger voice .
8 ‘ I like the eclecticism of some of that studio stuff , ’ admits Tara speaking in his young , snotty Jagger voice .
9 If you do n't get a job , I will get a job for the time being and you want me to take some money off your bill , you can get rid of some of that rubbish out in that fucking shed , in the back of that van
10 Well I would like , like to get rid of some of this money , it is quite a lot of money seventy five pounds .
11 The leader of the Islington Council , Margaret Hodge , questioned the direction of some of this development and , in London Labour Briefing No.37 , said ‘ the class nature of gay politics is much more ambiguous [ than black politics and anti-racism ] … activists in gay and lesbian politics come from a group whose social , occupational , educational and cultural background bears little resemblance to the population of the Inner City . ’
12 Oh reckon they 'd get rid of some of this stuff
13 Archives in Europe seem far less concerned with the issues surrounding the preservation of the products of electronic office systems and e-mail which so exercise their counterparts in North America ( for a discussion of some of this literature see Cook : 1991–2 and Higgs : 1992 ; see also discussion in creators section of this volume ) .
14 A useful review of some of this work is given in Anon. ( 1982a ) and only a summary is presented here .
15 It has shown consistently that many ideas held by children about natural phenomena differ from standard scientific accounts ( for useful reviews of some of this work , see Driver et al .
16 The ward staff , too , benefit from the addition of a trained nurse , one who is able to teach students patient care and relieve them of some of this responsibility .
17 In the study of football fans we have access to the manifestations of action on and around the ground and even a permanent record of some of this action in the form of video and audio recordings .
18 We do n't have to but I 'd like to want to get rid of some of this flour
19 Previous reviews of some of this material have been supplied by Spiker ( 1956 b ) , Arnoult ( 1957 ) , Vanderplas ( 1958 ) , Cantor ( 1965 ) , and Gibson ( 1969 ) .
20 The origin of some of this waste is obscure ; so are some of the British firms that handle it .
21 Second , the various ‘ gateways ’ have permitted some agreements to be ratified , and the wisdom of some of these ratifications has been challenged .
22 ‘ Financial Secretary : The existing law which applies to the taxation of some of these benefits will be retained .
23 Likewise Caroline Bynum , in Holy Feast , Holy Fast , her book about medieval women religious , pours a rigorous historian 's scorn on the idea that the extreme penitential fastings of some of these women can really be diagnosed as anorexic , or as any other sort of neurosis ( as proposed for example by Rudolph Bell in Holy Anorexia ) : not merely are the case histories inadequate , but these women 's understanding of their bodies , of their relationship to Christ , of their right to participate in his sufferings , of their sense of identity , their very selves , was formed in a social environment so different from our own that nothing is to be gained by reading off their lives in this way rather than exploring in proper detail what it was they did feel and think .
24 Before turning to the detail of sections 12–15 it must be noted that under the original Sale of Goods Act of 1893 the wording of some of these sections was slightly different prior to 1973 when the sections were amended by the Supply of Goods ( Implied Terms ) Act 1973 .
25 Polar adaptations of some of these species are discussed in Chapter 6 .
26 Such changes would be likely to increase the incidence of some of these conditions , as well as of births to women who do not report , or even discover , their unwanted pregnancies until late in gestation ( see Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 1984 ) .
27 What are the names of some of these towns ?
28 The FMLN demanded agreement on political , economic , social and military reforms before any provisional ceasefire could enter into force , and the implementation of some of these reforms before the installation of a definitive ceasefire .
29 ‘ But recent events have led to anxieties over the quality of some of these drugs . ’
30 But it is coming , and certainly some of the medium-sized shops , perhaps with a couple of two or three outlets but under the same management , where it 's not quite so easy to see when you 're running out of baked beans , are already beginning to take advantage of some of these retailing computers .
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