Example sentences of "of they with [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ For a typical utterance , the word recogniser hypothesizes 20 incorrect words in the same time interval as each correct word , 4 of them with higher confidence ratings .
2 In the same publication as Belshaw ( 1979 ) , there are some other interesting examples of the deleterious effects of exogenous technologies upon indigenous ones in lesser developed countries many of them with strong implications for soil erosion , particularly Swift ( 1979 ) and Richards ( 1979 ) .
3 They may , perhaps , legitimately be so viewed when sexual satisfaction becomes totally dependent upon them to a point at which they take the place of the interpersonal psycho-genital stimuli to which most of us are subject ; or , as in one or two instances , when they are so grossly in departure from presently accepted norms that no correlation of them with accepted stimuli and practices is possible .
4 He made some of them with solid necks for playing slack-key instead of slide — there were a number of different models .
5 It has landed all of them with serious stabilisation problems .
6 More liberal constituencies in the party , some of them with close links to Hillary Rodham Clinton , the president 's wife , then spent the last half of 1992 making sure that their claims on the presidency were not forgotten .
7 Bayezid writes , ‘ We enjoyed the greatest pleasure in seeing how the severed heads of the Christian dukes rolled under the horses ’ hooves , and how many of them with tied hands , and others with broken legs , stood by . ’
8 One of them with interior décor of a nineteenth-century sailing clipper .
9 He threw himself forward , startling the beasts that were tearing at the prostrate girl on the ground , and arced his sword round with manic strength , tearing the blade through two of them with one swing .
10 He wrote on various subjects , all of them with one aim in view , namely to keep his name before the public and to make sure that his ideas were not allowed to disappear from circulation .
11 In your do-it-yourself practice you can try to spot long vowels by contrasting two of them with each other in sentences .
12 As Richard Whalley wrote to his sister in 1624 , many quite wealthy local gentlemen : ‘ had opposed their parents … consumed their whole estates , even to one foot of ground , five of them with much ado to get winding sheets ; some died under hedges ’ .
13 It is thus quite clear that whatever he said about Shakespeare 's plays , Tolkien read some of them with keen attention : most of all , Macbeth .
14 Nowadays , they 're nearly all engined , most of them with steadying sails .
15 Busy as he was with college duties and with exceptional writing obligations , many of them with journalistic deadlines , he was always accessible to undergraduates and to old members , particularly his ex-pupils .
16 But this week 's guerrillas numbered more than 1,000 , some of them with heavy weapons .
17 One large group of negatives had apparently been taken at a fancy dress party organised by the Duke of Devonshire — over 100 guests had been photographed , most of them with different background settings .
18 It takes us into their homes , gives space for their voices ; and Townsend powerfully attacked the widespread myth that the family was no longer providing most of them with social support or practical help .
19 Here he met the most notable trade unionists of the area , some of them with national reputations .
20 A high proportion of the oldest books are Gospel books or Psalters , several of them with vernacular glosses and translations testifying to a low level of Latinity ; testifying too to their close connection with the Anglo-Saxon dynasty in the gifts of such benefactors as King Athelstan .
21 It is indeed a case of ‘ the day of small things ’ and it is the doing of them with good-humoured patience and the appreciation of others doing them that makes the sum of these tiny parts such a very considerable one at the end of the day .
22 All of the major hair manufacturers produce excellent permanent waves , many of them with special formulations for specific hair types and results .
23 The issues discussed in this chapter relate mainly to the second and third options and in particular to proposals to replace a large ‘ proportion of them with some type of negative income tax system broadly defined .
24 As in the front , the windows here were fully curtained , all of them looking decidedly posh and new ; and all of them with some approximation to those French pleats whose acquaintance Lewis had so recently made — and , if truth were told , Morse too .
25 Yet , once the bug has bitten , it is amazing how so many home-brewed designs appear , and most of them with excellent stitching in all its variations .
26 What had those educated women in that church , many of them with responsible jobs in London , in common with that story ?
27 To give the engineers a better appreciation of this aspect I encouraged them to learn to fly up to private pilot standard and I am happy to say this was approached by many of them with considerable enthusiasm .
28 In Ipswich 12 people were still at home in the action sample , three of them with considerable support from the project .
29 It would be simply untrue to charge either of them with strict censorship of controversy and opposition : they both regularly report controversy , including the most outspoken criticism of the Federal Government and its policies .
30 As to the much discussed pearwood wall panels , Italo Rota explains : ‘ We were looking for a simple idea that would allow visitors who had already looked at a good many paintings to connect some of them with unfamiliar settings ; the art of memory tells us that it is easier to retain images in one 's head if one can link them to a specific space ’ .
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