Example sentences of "of which [modal v] be [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 An arms trade committee , the function of which would be to issue export licences to enterprises , was in preparation .
2 Many people there were expecting an Israeli attack on Jordan , the aims of which would be to force the Palestinians of the Occupied lands to remain in Jordan , and , in accordance with Israel 's notorious ‘ transfer plan ’ , accommodate the expected arrival in Israel of millions of immigrants from the Soviet Union .
3 Russian President Boris Yeltsin on April 11 issued a decree setting up an arms export commission , the aim of which would be to regulate and prevent the export of material and technology from Russia which might be used abroad in the manufacture of military hardware or weapons , including weapons of mass destruction .
4 The European Council agreed on the creation of a European police office ( Europol ) , the initial function of which would be to organize the exchange of information on narcotic drugs at the level of the Community 's 12 member states …
5 The father found out what had happened and on 22 November 1991 issued an application in the local family proceedings court asking for a residence order , the effect of which would be to revoke the care order .
6 One element of which would be to require member states to impose a duty on auditors of financial undertakings , to report breaches of laws or regulations or other adverse circumstances to supervisors .
7 They support a whole range of policies , the inevitable result of which would be to make unemployment higher than would otherwise be the case .
8 The National Assembly , due to meet in July , is to draft a new constitution , the main aim of which will be to shift the blame for future mistakes from the party to the state apparatus .
9 The only proposed narrowing of the road in Lakeside will be at the junction to Hammond Drive , the purpose of which will be to filter the traffic using the junction .
10 If he fails to do so , the mortgagee will be entitled to an order of foreclosure absolute , the effect of which will be to vest the mortgaged property in him absolutely , but at the same time to prevent him — even if the property should prove insufficient — from claiming payment from the mortgagor , except upon terms of giving him a fresh right to redeem .
11 A decision is a choice between alternative courses of action ( one of which could be to do nothing ) .
12 Discussion or exposure drafts are also planned on mergers and acquisitions , acquisition accounting ( an effect of which could be to reduce the amount of goodwill shown in acquisitions ) and related party transactions .
13 And the man in question is not a philosophical or statistical abstraction from reality , but the reality itself ; not a theoretician 's concept to play a mechanical part in a Marxist phenomenology of history or a philosopher-king 's model of ideal society , but flesh and blood ; the thinking and feeling individual whose right it is to make his life , including his working life , as fully as possible his own in a society the essential purpose of which should be to maximise his chances of doing so .
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