Example sentences of "of that [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But even at their early fifties peak , these funds constituted only 7 per cent of industrial finance ( 12 per cent of that raised outside the firm ) .
2 The temperature of maximum damping is usually associated with T g , and at low frequencies the value assigned to T g is within a few kelvins of that obtained from the static methods .
3 The number of viable acini isolated in pancreatitis induced by caerulein was only about 30% of that obtained from the intact pancreas .
4 and I 'm not entirely sure , Marcus did phone me and say , at one point , when he was making up the mailing list , he 's had three hundred copies of that made of the extract and he was kind of you know , sniffing around for who to send them
5 The stereo system is standard , but it is particularly complex to operate , even after practice , and the sound quality is but a shadow of that fitted in the version of the car six years ago which was , quite simply , the best I have ever experienced .
6 What do you think of that compared to the numbers ?
7 German armour , typical of that worn by the Hohenstaufen knights , on a warrior of about 1100 .
8 European beef can be bought in West Africa at half the price of that produced in the Sahel .
9 The report estimates that exploitation of bogs in Britain results in carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to 40 per cent of that produced by the country 's transport vehicles .
10 Kerr includes a table of estimates in which it is clear that the ceilings of servants will be several feet lower , the cost of their rooms a mere quarter , and their floor space — despite their larger numbers — less than two-thirds of that allowed to the family .
11 Other theorists ( e.g. Mackintosh and Reese 1979 ) ( see also Wagner 1981 ) attribute the effect to competition between stimuli at a perceptual level , suggesting that because of some limited capacity mechanism , attention can be paid to one component only at the expense of that paid to the other .
12 To my mind it is clear from the terms of the third paragraph of the Crown Prosecution Service 's letter that it is accepted that the order restricts them , in any prosecution which they decide to initiate , to utilising material already obtained or other material obtained independently of that disclosed in the High Court civil proceedings .
13 Its area is a tiny fraction of that occupied by the 21 hostile Arab states ; Syria alone is seven times as large .
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