Example sentences of "of his own [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , George O'Dowd , the former Blitz cloakroom attendant , had been making some progress of his own towards the altar of fame .
2 The boy was going to the boxroom and was clearly excited at possessing a room of his own for the first time .
3 And the issue was still very much alive , for here beside him , listening alertly and with a dry little smile , was the earl of Leicester , who , whether in earnest or in mischief , was urging a plea of his own for the same prize .
4 He had a date of his own for the foundation of Rome , made direct enquiries about the Penates of Lavinium , described the ritual of the October horse in the Campus Martins , attributed the introduction of coinage to Servius Tullius , etc .
5 The youngster 's inclusion in the side earned him the name ‘ Boy Bastin' , as seventeen-year-olds in League football were much scarcer than now , and Bastin was in a class of his own with the fierceness of his shot , as a teaser of defences and as an expert penalty-taker .
6 A former accountant who used to work in the music industry with Tony Visconti ( David Bowie 's producer ) , he now has a hit of his own with the quoted company The Pelican Group .
7 It was all in legal gobbledegook and took a bit of working out but Lord Chatwin had added some words of his own at the end : ‘ If my beloved Spiggy is found everything goes to him and his heirs . ’
8 He has occasionally sounded like a man with genuinely radical ideas of his own about the future of the city , raising questions about its tax base and the shape of its government .
9 He gave an account of a dream of his own about the French Revolution , and the reign of terror following it .
10 Moping around Meadowlands last year when Mario 's son was racing and the old man was too and the whole scene was as unglamorous as the Jersey flatlands can be , the burgers blazing on wet barbecues , Karl Haas 's cigar smouldering briefly in the foreground , it was as if Mario had brought a whole world of his own into the paddock , a world he 'd always had , that was completely self-sufficient and had a cleaner , friendlier air .
11 ‘ A fox would cross here and then steal back to this side and make a line of his own through the forest . ’
12 Robin Corbett , who was speaking up for animals from the opposition front bench in the fox-hunting debate , had a bitter experience of his own concerning the animal-lovers ' vote .
13 He was also invited to conduct a Mass of his own before the imperial court , which , according to Leopold , went some way towards repairing the damage their enemies had done by preventing the opera .
14 Still , Sisson managed a ‘ Herr Issyvoo ’ sting of his own in the Nazified Berlin of 1934 and watched ideological street-squads slanging one another in Paris the next year .
15 A year earlier , David Damiani had married Blanche , an 18-year-old Nazareth girl , and set up a home of his own in the Arektenje district of Jaffa .
16 Subject selection , content and methodology are to a great extent , dominated by their influence on upper classes and no one who is aware of social and salary structures in Africa , or who has had children of his own in the system , would expect otherwise .
17 It was further said that the reason for limiting the application of subsection ( 2 ) to those third parties who are knowingly concerned in the contravention is that an order addressed directly to a third party ( as opposed to the contravener acting by his servants or agents ) would only be necessary where the third party had an interest of his own in the subject-matter of the order .
18 Though Louis had had plenty of time to gain experience of ruling and to form a court of his own in the subkingdom of Aquitaine ( he had been king there since the age of three ) , he had had to wait a long time for his father 's inheritance .
19 Here the critic is absolved from making judgements of his own by the need to report what a jury has decided about prizes .
20 The Earl of March had substantial grievances of his own against the court , and if the complaints of the commons and the hostility of some of the nobility were to be effectively co-ordinated , de la Mare 's influence would be crucial .
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