Example sentences of "of a [noun sg] for which " in BNC.

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1 Lacking the elaborate Go-motion system of rods and computer control that Tippett had devised at ILM for the dragon in Dragonslayer ( 1981 ) , intended to create a slight blur as each single-frame shot was made ( since in real motion the subject moves fractionally in the one-fiftieth of a second for which one frame is exposed ) , they simply shook the puppet a bit each time .
2 This requires all new furnaces other than domestic boilers with a rating less than 55,000 Btu/hr to be , as far as practicable , capable of operating continuously without emitting smoke when burning fuel of a type for which the furnace was designed .
3 If the water flows into the shaft of an adjoining mine , with the result that the mine can not be worked for six months , the mine owner may recover damages , but the miners who lose their wages during that period probably have no remedy , not because the loss is ‘ unnatural ’ or ‘ unforeseeable ’ but because it is a loss of a type for which the law restricts recovery .
4 Analysis can only reveal the presence of a pollutant for which tests are actually carried out and it adds to the costs and time required ( another constraint , of which field staff are well aware , against sampling too freely ) to analyse routinely for pollutants on more than the usual parameters — BOD , suspended solids , ammonia .
5 A circular coil of diameter 20 mm has 100 turns and lies at the centre of a solenoid for which s = 0.3 m , d = O.1 m , and n = 800 , the coil and the solenoid being coaxial ( s = total length , d = diameter , n = turns per metre ) .
6 The character of this interaction between the mean flow and the fluctuations can be seen most simply in the context of a flow for which the two-dimensional boundary layer approximation applies .
7 You have selected to view the model sub state of a module for which no model subtype has been defined .
8 Pat Williams told me she thought they were' a load of tripe' , but it was tripe that brought people into the cinemas for more than two decades and Ken became the staple part of a diet for which at one time the public seemed to have an insatiable appetite
9 Even those who do not share his political opinions readily pay their tribute to the range of his intellect and the graciousness of his character ; more remarkable still , even those whose intellectual qualities are the equal of his , but whose moral qualities have degenerated in contact with the sordid atmosphere of politics , never speak of him with an affected amusement as a religious bigot or a narrow-minded moralist ; in the remarks of these latter politicians I often detect a tone of rather wistful regret , as if they were conscious in themselves of a loss for which the world they have gained has by no means compensated .
10 This can be done in two ways , either by giving a description of a world for which the principle fails and proving formally that the description is consistent , or informally by appeal to a counterexample .
11 The problems lie in the presupposition that moral duty is an absolute rule in the sense of a rule for which there can be no exceptions .
12 At the trial of the action in 1979 Reeve J declined to take into account the supervening spinal disease and awarded damages on the basis that the plaintiff had been capable of light work , not on the basis that he had been incapable of work since 1976 in consequence of a disease for which his employers were in no way responsible .
13 It contained all the mementoes of an organisation for which pain and suffering ( military and personal ) became virtues , because they were experienced in the cause of the Legion and ultimately the cause of France .
14 I do believe that came about because of an incident for which Grandfather Hauxwell was responsible .
15 When , once , he had thought himself on the brink of an alliance for which he yearned , he was suddenly and shatteringly rejected .
16 One can characterize make here as evoking the mere production of an effect for which the " maker " is entirely responsible .
17 ( 188 ) can be compared with ( 154 ) — ( 156 ) above : make evokes the production of an effect for which the " maker " is wholly responsible , there being no other factor but the behaviour of the agent " you " involved in bringing about this effect ( contrast ( 182 ) in this respect , where room is left for other factors to intervene ) .
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