Example sentences of "of a [noun] by the " in BNC.

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1 Despite the Iraqi president 's failure to win the Gulf War , Saddam was still regarded as something of a hero by the Delhi Muslims , although this failed to explain why the pin-up most popular in the city was that which showed Saddam dressed in full Austrian costume : lederhosen , braces , Tyrolean hat , knobbly knees and all .
2 William Morrison is the star turn of a survey by the Institute of Directors , of Britain 's 1,000 biggest companies by sales .
3 Dennis Luckhurst is collating the information as part of a survey by the Durham Bird Club to establish the range and population of the threatened bird .
4 Diplomatic relations with the UK were severed in February 1989 following the imposition of a fatwa by the late Ayatollah Khomeini which called on Moslems to kill the Indian-born British writer , Salman Rushdie [ see pp. 36450-51 ] .
5 Mr. Karsten submitted that once the mandatory effect of article 12 has been relaxed by a finding under article 13 , either under sub-paragraph ( a ) or sub-paragraph ( b ) , this gives rise to the exercise of a discretion by the court .
6 Some have suggested that his appointment at Berlin was the result of a compromise by the orchestra , an attempt to secure someone as far removed from Karajan in character , musical and personal , as the world could offer .
7 Finnis illustrates the notion of a determination by the example of an architect 's instructions to an artificer to put a ‘ doorway ’ in a wall of a building .
8 Mr Evans-Lombe said that it was plain that Mrs Wordingham had intended that her husband should receive the income under her 1989 will , and that its omission was the result of a mistake by the solicitor in carrying out his instructions .
9 He is applying for judicial review of a decision by the council 's professional conduct committee to prefer the less serious charge of breach of proper professional standards , which leads to an admonition .
10 The problem , which has long troubled white consciences , has come to the fore now because of a decision by the High Court that in one case aborigines have a legal claim to lands where they hunted before the white man came .
11 The East European members of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance ( CMEA or COMECON ) faced grave economic hardship as a result of a decision by the Soviet Union in July to cut oil exports .
12 In defiance of a decision by the national conference in September to dissolve the National Assembly , President Mobutu Sese Seko called for a new session of the Assembly to open on Oct. 5 .
13 The implementation of a decision by the city council of Prague to make catalytic converters obligatory for all Czech-made business vehicles has been postponed .
14 We judge the success of a contract by the volume of trades conducted in it .
15 Accordingly , under the Djibouti Agreement Mr. Mahdi became the interim President and on 6 August 1991 he appointed Mr. Qalib as his prime minister , apparently , in the absence of a nomination by the S.N.M. Mr. Qalib then appointed ministers to serve under him .
16 The main force should have got into the town under the cover of a raid by the RAF , but by the time they were at the foot of the escarpment , this was almost over .
17 As part of his early strategy to secure the co-operation of the LEAs , Jacques met the Director of Education , John Newsom , and secured agreement for an increase in grant-aid from the £35 in 1935–36 to more than £100 in 1938–39 and , in addition , the promise of a contribution by the LEA towards the District 's administrative costs in arranging courses .
18 A mortgage of debts and of equitable interests in personalty can be made in the form of a conveyance by the mortgagor to the mortgagee with a proviso for redemption .
19 Unless one of the steps in the review machinery is the service of a counternotice by the person upon whom the review notice is served , it is better not to stipulate for a particular form of notice because the fewer the requirements that have to be complied with the less scope there is for litigation .
20 ( 3 ) The Auditors shall within fourteen days of a request by the Company certify to the Company the Prescribed Price , that is to say the price which in their opinion represents a fair value for the Shares comprised in the Transfer Notice as between a willing vendor and a willing purchaser and , in making such determination , the Auditors shall not take any account of whether such Shares comprise a majority or minority interest in the Company ( and shall assume that the entire issued share capital of the Company is being sold ) .
21 ( 3 ) The Auditors shall within fourteen days of a request by the Company certify to the Company the Prescribed Price , that is to say the price which in their opinion represents a fair value for the Shares comprised in the Transfer Notice as between a willing vendor and a willing purchaser and , in making such determination , the Auditors shall not take any account of whether such Shares comprise a majority or minority interest in the Company ( and shall assume that the entire issued share capital of the Company is being sold ) .
22 The Paris show demonstrated that at a much lower level delightful drawings by well known names can still be bought at a fraction of the price of a painting by the same artist .
23 A weekly magazine , L'Europeo , published a piece on the problems of restoration and reproduced a photograph of a panel by the sixteenth-century Ferrarese painter Ortolano , in the Pinacoteca Capodimonte , with a caption describing it as Leonardo 's ‘ Last Supper ’ .
24 Political power was signified to the inhabitants of a burgh by the ability of a dominant faction to place its friends in the local revenue offices , and equally , by their ability to obtain the removal of their enemies among the office holders .
25 FIRST/Fixed Interest Rate Savings Tax-paid Option Bond , launched by National Savings on 7 July 1992 , proved so successful in attracting savers ' funds that the Government cut the rate of interest in the face of a threat by the building societies to raise mortgage rates .
26 Each Keymer clay tile is a work of art , guaranteed one of a kind by the handprint of its maker .
27 Techniques developed by botanists and historians have shown that it is possible to assess the age of a hedge by the number of shrub species it contains .
28 My predecessor took me carefully aside to explain that this device was part of a plot by the Director of Education either to drive him from his place or to impose comprehensives on the whole campus .
29 The words of a song by the group Supertramp express the feelings of many people :
30 It has participated in the making of a video by the Banking Information Service on wise ways to use credit .
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