Example sentences of "of the house [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The first of several , annual Parliamentary ladies ' golf matches , between lady relations of Members of the Houses of Lords and Commons , were reported on as Henley had at least two ladies who were eligible to play — Mrs. Kate Fleming , wife of the Club President and Henley 's M.P. , Mr. Valentine Fleming , and Mrs. Cecil Norton .
2 For all these improvements in the formal mechanisms whereby the House seeks to keep government in check , any full account of procedures relating to this function would be incomplete without reference , again , to the importance of the Houses as forums of informal debates , discussions and plain horse-trading .
3 Most of the houses outside towns might justly be described as ‘ peasant ’ accommodation , for Sussex is one of the few English counties where the term had a real and continued significance .
4 Have we not already witnessed on the television his Scargill-type debate on the floor of the House during MPs ' Question Time ?
5 In which case you could claim the proportion of the house on expenses .
6 He can not speak in or out of the House on subjects outside his department .
7 The patient should get out of the house at intervals , if at all possible .
8 A proposal for constitutional reform to allow a national plebiscite on the reintroduction of the death penalty in Brazil , for kidnappings , burglaries and rapes resulting in the victim 's death , was approved by a Congressional Commission of the House of Deputies in December 1990 .
9 The president of the House of Deputies of the Congress , Carlos Dupre , on Nov. 28 ordered an official investigation to verify the authenticity of a letter attributed to " various military chiefs " which called on former President Augusto Pinochet Ugarte , the C.-in-C. of the Armed Forces , to resign .
10 1992 Medals of Honour were awarded to : Great Britain , for the restoration of the landscape and ornamental buildings of Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal Estate , Ripon ; Poland , for the restoration of the eighteenth-century wooden church of the Birth of Our Lady , Bralin ; Hungary , for the restoration and renewal of the old village of Magyarpolany ; Germany , for the restoration of the House of the Templars , Amorbach , with particular reference to its sixteenth-century interior decoration ; Finland , for the restoration of the House of Estates , Helsinki ; and Belgium , for the restoration and conversion into a cartoon museum of the Waucquez warehouse , originally designed by Victor Horta .
11 Mr. Michael Latham presented a Bill to abolish the General Synod of the Church of England , on a date to be appointed ; to provide for the creation of a Church of England Assembly , consisting of a house of all diocesan , suffragan and assistant bishops , and a joint house of clergy and laity , to be directly elected by all Church of England clergy and lay persons on parochial electoral rolls ; to make provision for the Diocese of Sodor and Man ; to empower the Assembly to decide on all appropriate matters , except those within the legal responsibilities of the Church Commissioners , without further reference to Parliament ; to provide for the election of new bishops by members of the house of bishops , saving the right of final approval of the chosen candidate by the Crown ; to abolish the Ecclesiastical Committee ; to abolish the automatic places of bishops in the House of Lords ; to permit ordained clergy of the Church of England , with the consent of a diocesan bishop , to seek election to the House of Commons ; and for connected purposes :
12 ‘ We listened to more than five thousand tapes from all over the world , ’ gravely announced Armand Schaudroeck , president of The House Of Guitars in Rochester , New York , ‘ and Harry is simply the worst player we 've ever heard .
13 The referendum , put forward by Ramon Mitra , the speaker of the House of Representatives , was backed by Cardinal Jaime Sin .
14 On December 27th 110 of the 267 Democratic members of the House of Representatives signed a letter written by George Miller , a Californian Democrat who came into Congress in 1974 as part of the post-Vietnam wave of liberals .
15 The Founding Fathers declared that an ‘ enumeration ’ should take place every ten years so that members of the House of Representatives can be fairly apportioned among the states .
16 Chicago was reminded that defeating an incumbent member of the House of Representatives is not easy .
17 But as Phil Sharp , chairman of the House of Representatives Energy Committee , gloomily acknowledges , it would also remove the pressure for an energy strategy .
18 When Congress assembled the Speaker of the House of Representatives asked Hall to give the opening prayer and on a Sunday he preached before both Houses in the Capitol building .
19 Mr Conjuanco 's other main rival is his friend , Mr Ramon Mitra , former Speaker of the House of Representatives .
20 In the United States the vote for the President is cast separately to those for members of The House of Representatives ( lower house ) and The Senate ( upper house ) .
21 Thus Lee Hamilton , chairman of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee , speaking on CNN .
22 Tom Foley , the speaker of the House of Representatives , has said that if the president were to ask for the authority to use force , there is a presumption that he would get it .
23 The good news , on May 13th , was that the Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives passed the taxation part of the president 's economic proposals .
24 The proposal ran smack into the powerful beer lobby in Congress , including Richard Gephardt , majority leader of the House of Representatives , whose district in St Louis includes the giant Anheuser-Busch brewery .
25 On May 24th 146 American congressmen , over a third of the House of Representatives , sent a letter urging him ‘ to clearly exercise civilian authority over the armed forces ’ .
26 At the end of the first session of the 97th Congress , Helen Dewar reported in the Washington Post : Even one of Reagan 's severest critics , Tip O'Neill , the former Speaker of the House of Representatives , does not underestimate Reagan 's early achievements : ‘ ( He ) pushed through the greatest increase in defense spending in American history together with the greatest cutbacks in domestic programs and the largest tax cuts the country has ever seen . ’
27 Tip O'Neill is instructive on the differences between the two administrations in these matters : Being ‘ helped out ’ in one 's district was a matter of the greatest importance to members of the House of Representatives , the forum where Reagan 's legislative strategists would face their severest test .
28 Bills introduced in the US by the chairman of the House of Representatives Intellectual Property Subcommittee and his Senate counterpart proposing changes to the 1976 Copyright Act are being strongly opposed by the Librarian of Congress , James Billington , and by the Register of Copyrights , Ralph Oman , reports Publishers Weekly .
29 The President is elected for four years , but members of the House of Representatives have to face election every two years , while a senator is elected for six years .
30 Robert Garcia , a Democratic member of the House of Representatives for New York , resigned his seat on Jan. 7 shortly before being sentenced for his role in the Wedtech corruption case .
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