Example sentences of "of the [noun pl] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Medical experts no longer approve of this method of dieting — largely because of the limits it places on the intake of cereals , fruit and root vegetables .
2 The World Bank has admitted that many of the projects it funded in Brazil during the 1970s and 80s resulted in massive environmental degradation and the eviction of over 100,000 poor farmers and their families , many of whom were forced into the shanty-towns of major cities .
3 One of the qualities of jade that contributed most to social harmony was the musical nature of the notes it emitted when struck .
4 Unemployment thus helped to shape the politics of the age , and some political changes were clearly the result of the problems it raised , although long-term social changes were clearly evident in permitting the Labour Party to replace the Liberal Party as the progressive party of British politics .
5 ‘ I 've always said so because of the problems it causes and the way it upsets people .
6 Unfortunately for IBM , the catalogue does show up some of the problems it has pricing and delivering its own product lines — of the X-terminals in the catalogue for instance , IBM 's Xstation 130 , priced at £3,574 , is both more expensive than any of the Network Computing Devices Inc and Tandberg Data A/S models listed , and the only one to take 15 days for delivery rather than 96 hours for the rest .
7 One of the problems it seems , that I can see about this , is that the little sort of semi- diagram , you could almost reverse the , the and have the same sort of problem in other words .
8 It is possible that the strength of the daily clock also decreases in the aged ; this would mean that the amplitude of the rhythms it influences would decrease .
9 With a relatively tiny home market , Ericsson is always short of the resources it needs to stay at the leading edge of its chosen industry , where the cost of major development projects is measured in hundreds of millions of dollars , and although it has developed its own TMOS Telecommunications Management and Operations Support software suite — which runs under Unix — it needs the muscle of a company like Hewlett-Packard to exploit the product .
10 One of the ingredients it requires is hydrogen , a gas that is produced in great quantities during volcanic eruptions .
11 The programme will have succeeded if , in 15 years ' time , primary health care in the capital has lost its status as the national laggard ; the quality of the services it offers matches or exceeds that enjoyed in the rest of England ; and London has become a place where aspiring primary health care practitioners in all disciplines aim to work .
12 The Council has further recognised that the nature of the services it provides places particular groups of employees at potential risk from clients and/or their families etc .
13 The civil law applies directly only to Israel as a nation and can not be lifted out of its context , though many of the principles it embodies are still highly relevant to modern society .
14 But with the coming of the Garrimpos it 's grown steadily filthier and more toxic , contaminated by things visible and invisible .
15 Lastly , our perception of the truth of discourse is also a comparison of the schemata it evokes — its assumptions — and our own .
16 It is also a politically neutral location which is vital with respect to some of the datasets it contains .
17 so , so so , yes , so they will , so the kingdom of heaven of the heavens it mentions well , thy kingdom come on earth does n't it on
18 The food manufacturing industry has benefited from the lower costs of the commodities it processes .
19 That is a vacuum cleaner , that 's one of the functions it does
20 Although the Ehrenreichs define the professional-managerial class in terms of the functions it performs for capitalism , they also advance empirical evidence to show that it is a distinct grouping within the stratification system .
21 One can either directly estimate the value of all the final goods and services ( a variant would be to estimate what every branch of production adds to the value of the goods it uses as raw materials ) .
22 This could allow Gloucestershire to regain some of the areas it lost .
23 The Oxford Polytechnic scheme is sui generis : the extent to which it has developed in a particular context of constraints and opportunities makes many of the decisions it has made and many of the systems it has adopted difficult to transfer to other institutional frameworks .
24 The nuclear programme , because of its sudden appearance and because of the passions it arouses , has encountered its greatest obstacle in people .
25 Like the system of militia service it pressed heavily upon the poorer sections of the groups it affected and fell comparatively lightly on the middle classes of the French seaports .
26 Like the chimpanzees , the ability of bluetits to learn the complex series of manoeuvres required to release a peanut from a special trick-feeder is no more difficult than many of the activities it learns during the course of its life , seeking out insects and seeds from the most intricate of places , getting itself and its beak into just the right position to extract the desired morsel .
27 Even with this limitation , however , and even given the fact that the Court in this case says by way of principle little that it has not said in previous cases , one should not underestimate the impact of this new illustration of the Court 's conception of the reach of the Directive in terms of the nature of the activities it covers .
28 Ely , for example , had already received the bulk of the lands it held in 1086 , and the same may well have been true of other foundations such as Glastonbury , Abingdon and the Old and New Minsters in Winchester .
29 She was silent for a moment , thinking of the drudgery to which Hubert 's vision had condemned her and of the advantages it had denied the children .
30 It is the work of a novelist and Journalist , not an academic , and notwithstanding the sometimes excessive brightness of the prose and the shortwindedness of the articles it seems to me a brilliant late embodiment of the Anglo-American tradition of literary and social criticism .
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