Example sentences of "of the [noun pl] [adv] than " in BNC.

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1 This probably reflects the perceptions of the respondents rather than a real difference in the actual quality of life of the people who died , although staff members may have been more willing to act as respondents for residents they had got on well with , and those residents may have had a better quality of life because of their relationship with the staff .
2 David Tweedie , the chairman of the Accounting Standards Board , has already warned that the ASB will follow the cookbook approach if companies and their auditors continue to comply with the letter of the rules rather than with their spirit .
3 In some clinics where the work-load is heavy , the actual tests from males may be taken by one of the technicians rather than the doctor .
4 Some parasites of insect eggs , for instance , can stop a small population of pests from increasing , so application of a pesticide has to he timed according to the number of the larvae of the pests rather than the number of their eggs .
5 The final chapter describes 57 actual procedures for preparing and using various oxidation reagents , and the emphasis is very much on the synthetic usefulness of the reactions rather than on their mechanisms .
6 To compete , I suppose , Malc had his ego ( and other parts ) massaged between the sheets and in my heart of hearts I knew his affairs were superficial — of the genitals rather than the heart — and during one of our deep analytical discussions on the subject , he admitted that he could n't wait to leave his lover 's bed and get home once the act was over .
7 There is in sociolinguistics an implicit assumption that where women 's speech differs from men 's , it is the behaviour of the women rather than the men that requires explanation ; men are the norm from which women deviate .
8 In the case of Demerara , removal of the slaveholders ' symbol of authority , the whip , by government , without adequate attention to the moral education of the slaves , it was implied , vindicated the evolutionary approach of the reformers rather than challenged it .
9 In such circumstances , the counsellor is acting on behalf of the counsellees rather than directly according to their wishes .
10 The ‘ writtenness ’ of the apostolic tradition was of the accidents rather than the substance of the apostolic proclamation concerning Christ .
11 EVERYONE I have spoken to about the New Zealand tour of Wales agrees that , if they are going to be beaten by anyone , it will be by one of the clubs rather than by the national side .
12 Folk prejudice was on the side of the naturalists rather than of the philosophers .
13 We heard him talking , but heard no response , so we guessed that he was on the phone to one of the chefs rather than just moaning to George .
14 The city council has still not published an official notice telling the traders of the changes more than SIX months after the controversial decision was approved by councillors .
15 do you think that was a deliberate decision made that it should be part of the flats rather than somewhere outside ,
16 However , imperfectly practised , this approach at least recognises that health care intervention must supplement that of the parents rather than substitute for it .
17 The Indians have cultivated this region of the emotions more than other people and their word for one of the phenomena is bhavana .
18 Prosecutions for abortion doubled between 1900 and 1910 and doubled again during the next twenty years , but this may merely indicate more vigilance on the part of the authorities rather than increasing incidence .
19 It 's the beginning of the programmes rather than the end .
20 The analysis should therefore be seen in the same way as the steady-state results of the previous Lecture as an indicator of the effects rather than as a prediction .
21 Considering the pottery from the pre-forum levels illustrated , with the advantage of hindsight , one would date some of the vessels later than 120 , possibly 130 — 140 would be a better terminal .
22 How might criminal statistics ( including both the extent of crime recorded and the character or type of crime ) be influenced by the operation of the police rather than the amount of actual criminal behaviour ?
23 Once again many of us were conscious of the opportunities rather than the obstacles which stand along the path of Church Unity .
24 They knew the interests of the peasants better than the peasants themselves .
25 Any potential descent party would do well to dwell on this statistic and their own evaluation of the falls rather than Paul and myself .
26 However , the search for methods of countering the national economic and military ‘ deterioration ’ after the Boer War was dominated by discussion of methods of improving the numbers and environment of the masses rather than of weeding out the unfit .
27 Similarly with regard to misrepresentations made , it was held in Overbrooke Estates Ltd v Glencombe Properties Ltd [ 1974 ] 1 WLR 1335 ( followed by the Court of Appeal in Collins v Howell-Jones ( 1980 ) 259 EG 331 ) , that a clause limiting the authority of auctioneers and the firm 's employees to make or give representations or warranties , fell outside the scope of the original version of s3 of the Misrepresentation Act 1967 , since it was a limitation on the apparent authority of the auctioneers rather than an exemption clause .
28 His insistence as a public examiner that men who aspired to become Bachelors or Doctors of Divinity should show knowledge of the Scriptures rather than of the commentators made him unpopular with the Friars .
29 For about 100 years Jewish and Christian scholars have demonstrated over and over again that the stereotype of the Pharisees found in the Gospels is a distortion which reflects the animosity of the Evangelists rather than the historical truth or even the attitude of Jesus himself .
30 They do not however use this data to temper their judgements , with the result that a school may be praised because of the intake characteristics of the pupils rather than because of anything it has done .
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