Example sentences of "of the [adj] be [that] " in BNC.

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1 The classic phrase which describes the plight of the transsexual is that ‘ he feels he is a woman locked in a man 's body ’ .
2 Perhaps one of the reasons why we are faced with the menace of increasing savagery among a minority of the young is that they fail to realise that TV is not a ‘ window on the world ’ , but a structure of small , angled , mirrors reflecting different viewpoints .
3 The result of the above is that in one case costs are so high as to detract from its use , whereas the other positively attracts business .
4 More surprising than any of the above is that not only outside directors but also chief executives strongly supported rewriting company law to enforce some of the Cadbury recommendations .
5 The implication of the foregoing is that the right to own property , a contentious subject even in this late twentieth century , could , subject to agreed rules and conditions , be raised to an important place in human affairs and be established as a Godly institution .
6 The joy of the Christian is that when we express our sorrow and our anxiety we shall receive God 's peace and we shall receive God 's joy .
7 One of the fantasies of the envious is that the other has everything .
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