Example sentences of "of the [noun sg] [v-ing] over " in BNC.

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1 Overall confidence is down because of the gloom hanging over the banking sector .
2 Headache from the back of the head going over the forehead worse ( < ) night , noise , cold air , better ( > ) heat and pressure .
3 A second later she had fallen to the ground , her hair covering her eyes so that she had only a vague impression of the man bending over her .
4 More top brass ? ’ he inquired of the policeman standing over us as he wrote down our names and addresses .
5 Later in the day , following a meeting in Dartford , Kent , with Tory MPs and members of the public protesting over the route of the planned Channel tunnel high-speed rail link , Mr Parkinson reiterated his faith in a private sector solution to the funding crisis .
6 The peaks surrounding glacier-dominated Saas Fee may be less distinguished , but the ice-falls of the Feegletscher hanging over the village are in their way just as striking .
7 And if you 've ever been there and taken the trip on the little boat which takes you right in to the base of the falls themselves , you 'll have seen that there 's a hydro electric station which takes power from the water at night , when some of the force is diverted , and instead of the water going over the falls it goes through the hydro electric station .
8 The force of the water coming over the day and pounding through the debris is what creates the rapid .
9 High above me was the narrow gash of Attermire Cave and the craggy outcrop of the scar hanging over the valley like a wave of stone about to break .
10 filled with the utmost horror at the thought of the spider creeping over her .
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