Example sentences of "of the [noun] [that] give " in BNC.

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1 He drew himself upright and walked confidently through the bit of the lobby that gave onto the Cocktail Lounge , where ruddy-faced men stood panting and laughing , sleeves rolled up , ties loose , queuing for drinks or holding trays of them , laughing loudly in deep voices .
2 But they have signally failed so far to build an intellectual constituency in wider circles of the kind that gave Thatcherism — which had little intellectual depth of its own — the basis on which to construct a new kind of politics .
3 Indeed , on this point they were the most vehement of the groups that gave evidence to the Beveridge Committee .
4 But the big news of the day that gave everyone sleepless nights was the Cuba Missile Crisis .
5 We have already mentioned one of the factors that gave rise to the emergence of accountability as a central issue in education : the need to justify increased spending in the 1960s .
6 9.7 Distribution of post-holes : ( a ) found during excavations at Petters Sports Field in Surrey ; ( b ) and ( c ) show an archaeologist 's interpretation of the structures that gave rise to medium depth and deep post-holes , respectively .
7 Once again the word ‘ hyperactivity ’ is used without a description of the behaviour that gave rise to its application .
8 Although there are several aspects of the proposal that give us cause for concern , we have concluded that , on balance , there are insufficient planning grounds on which to justify opposing the development .
9 These advanced primates had large brains and eyes at the front of the face that gave them stereoscopic forward vision .
10 We have seen that the visual areas of the prestriate cortex recode image properties into properties of the object that gave rise to the image .
11 The main outstanding issue in perception , including visual perception , concerns the processes that combine information about the attributes of a particular scene into a representation of the object that gave rise to the image , sound or pattern of touch .
12 He knows we have always been of the view that given the limited resources that the best cost effective use of those resources would be to merge the administration .
13 What , finally , is the vital , dynamic core of the community that gives it its uniquely distinctive character ?
14 The ‘ base communities ’ of Latin America know more than we do about hunger and sickness , but it is study of the Bible that gives them understanding and courage to demand justice in the name of the God of justice .
15 If not , obtain an office copy of the application that gave rise to entry , which will supply not only information as to what is the protected interest but also as to who is the individual claiming protection and his or her conveyancer .
16 It was the opposition of the clergy that gave this resistance of the privileged orders a country-wide leadership and a cause equal in emotive appeal to the myth of the sovereign people .
17 But if that curtesy were moved by a suit or request of the party that gives the assumpsit , it will bind , for the promise , though it follows , yet it is not naked , but couples itself with the suit before , and the merits of the party procured by that suit , which is the difference .
18 They differ from causal circumstance and effect in that they lack either or both of the features that give rise to the difference between causal circumstance and effect-the priority of the causal circumstance .
19 The court accepted the view of the executive that to give advance notice of their intentions would run the risk of action which would disrupt the operation of the intelligence services .
20 DEC is also expected to buy a further 1.89% on the open market as part of the agreement that gives Olivetti privileged access to the Alpha RISC .
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