Example sentences of "of [v-ing] and [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We pray that you will protect your people from squabbles , over matters which are not relevant to your commission of preaching and teaching the gospel throughout the world , so that in this decade of evangelism , your church may be united and strengthened , and not divided and weakened .
2 Secondly , a covenant simply to pay a sum of money , whether by way of insurance premium , compensation or damages , is a covenant capable of touching and concerning the land provided that the existence of the covenant , and the right to payment thereunder , affects the value of the land in whomsoever it is vested for the time being …
3 The core of the problem lay in the costs of administering and organising the District 's functions .
4 In February a workshop was held in Jomtien , Thailand , to discuss implementation of the 1970 Unesco Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import , Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property .
5 John Paton. as General Secretary , pointed to the organizational hazards of withdrawing from the Labour Party : The practical difficulties of maintaining and developing the organisation outside the Labour Party were enormous and it might be that it would involve a risk of the complete disintegration of the ILP .
6 The resulting aircraft is much more versatile than even the legendary DC-3 and avoids the ever increasing costs of maintaining and operating a piston engined aircraft — turbine fuel is available worldwide but fuel for reciprocating engines is available in an ever diminishing number
7 The Council furthermore emphasized that " the prospect of a role for the Union in defence matters should be considered without prejudice to member states ' existing obligations , bearing in mind the importance of maintaining and strengthening the ties within the Atlantic alliance and without prejudice to the traditional positions of other member states [ a reference designed not to prejudice the position of neutral Ireland , the only non-NATO member of the EC ] .
8 It was already a specifically trade union response to the single most important question trade unions face : the question of maintaining and improving the wages paid to their members by employers .
9 Fundamental to this , Paasi argues , is the identification of regional boundaries which provide ‘ the foundation upon which the conceptual shapes ( the manifestations of symbolic orders ) and institutions that commence the process of maintaining and reproducing the existence of the region will be constituted ’ ( pp. 124–5 ) .
10 The former contradiction , which Marx describes as ‘ the fundamental contradiction of developed capitalism ’ , is one between the social character of production , with its tendency towards unlimited development of the productive forces , and the private ownership of the means of production ( and therefore private appropriation of the product ) from which derives the aim of maintaining and increasing the value of capital itself , and hence setting limits to the expansion of production .
11 Where this routine is accompanied by a regular programme of sanding and turning the results are as good as any that can be achieved .
12 Cycling , like walking , is one of the best ways of seeing and enjoying the countryside , and mountain bikes have proved to be the latest and most popular method of ‘ green ’ transport : over 1 million of them were sold last year .
13 The prospect of seeing and hearing a genuine Bf 109 in the air is quite exciting and something I look forward to very much .
14 When you later screen a second replay on your colour television , it 's likely that you will be even more pleased with your efforts : the colours , the movement , the thrill of seeing and hearing the sights and sounds of the place where you live and of the people who live there ; it 's all magic , and a moment to be savoured .
15 For the strictly limited purpose of deciding whether Ward J. 's decision should be affirmed or reversed , it suffices to say that an appellate court should always be slow to reject a trial judge 's findings of fact , he having had the advantage of seeing and hearing the witnesses , and that it should be even slower to do so if any findings which it would be minded to substitute would lead to the same result .
16 It is suggested that it is unsatisfactory to allow the rent to be fixed in reliance on assertions made by the parties which can not be challenged by cross examination , and where the expert is not to be given an opportunity of seeing and evaluating the quality of the witnesses .
17 Thus ideology is a set of beliefs and values which provides a way of seeing and interpreting the world which results in a partial view of reality .
18 The condition of the original internal structures and existing buildings was so bad that cost studies showed that , as well as offering higher standards of fire and sound insulation , the provision of an entirely new structure within the retained shell of the building would be cheaper than a process of repairing and upgrading the surviving framing .
19 If , as was argued earlier , drive-inhibition in the service of civilization is effectively a matter of accepting and internalizing the prohibitions of the father — in other words , of developing a superego — then their next point is entirely to be expected :
20 and lay prostrate at a little distance from Sunderland House was blasted with gunpowder and removed , in the process of levelling and draining the ground for agricultural purposes .
21 Police have taken the unusual step of naming and releasing the photograph of a man they wish to question in connection with an alleged double rape of a teenager .
22 Consequently , the sea waybill allows the ship to unload the bulk shipment immediately upon arrival , thereby reducing the time and cost of unloading and processing the cargo , and also lowering the costs of warehousing and maintaining goods in inventory .
23 There is also a danger of overestimating and misperceiving the value of a game per se .
24 ‘ Here the contract of salvage was entered into in the Paracels and all the work of refloating and putting the vessel into a condition to be towed to Hong Kong and nearly all the tow , except for the last three miles , were completed beyond the territorial limits of Hong Kong and consequently I take the view that the profits must be said to arise outside of Hong Kong rather than inside .
25 Through her interactions with the children , the teacher is engaged in a continual process of crafting and recrafting the environment , building on their existing collaborative resources , and gradually extending the range of collaboration which children choose and are able to engage in by themselves .
26 Potential users apparently wanted 88open to undertake the difficult job of porting and administering the test suites on their architectures too , something not possible under 88open 's current charter .
27 Yet there are unlikely to be many governors or bodies of parents who would disapprove of the more or less traditional approach of putting class teachers first , and there would be few who would persist in wanting the headteacher 's draft management plan — his or her daily manner of organizing and managing the school — to be changed as the result of open and equal argument between staff of all categories .
28 Just as there are many ways of organizing and running an effective school , so there are many ways of running an LEA .
29 The report recognises the importance of completing and operating the company 's Sizewell-B plant , saying there is ‘ no economic case to suspend construction or mothball the station . ’
30 I forgot to mention the importance of completing and returning the course evaluation form which we need to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the event , as well as to compile a report to our funding bodies at the end of the year .
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