Example sentences of "of [v-ing] [adj] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One way of addressing this is for me to continue to highlight some of the views of colleagues who have not , in the public mind at least , been closely associated with the anti-Federalist cause and several of whom were not , for instance , among the eighty-odd Conservative Members who signed one or both of the ‘ Fresh Start ’ Motions .
2 At the time of writing this is of particular importance as more and more government activities are being provided at a more localised level .
3 One way of overcoming this is by spinning a large-area sample of the solid in the laser beam , so that any individual spot is irradiated for a short time only , and is able to cool before being brought back into the beam .
4 It was while teaching a form called ‘ the sink ’ — the exam failures and the less bright — that he came to that perception which all good teachers share : to inspire pupils you have first to gain their attention and one of the best ways of doing that is through humour and anecdote .
5 There should be , everybody should be clear what their responsibilities are and a good way of doing that is through a job description , their own , I just wondered about that complete sets only with personnel .
6 The only means he has of doing that is by accepting new clause S. He will have to come up with very convincing arguments to persuade any Hon. Member that he can not accept it , but it is framed in the most uncontentious way anyone could imagine .
7 ‘ Better ways of doing this are among the main objectives of PROFIT .
8 A most effective means of doing this is through flattery and giving you the status of an innovative thinker .
9 In this last case , at least , the material will need to be considered systematically , and the most usual way of doing this is through content analysis .
10 The most effective way of doing this is for X to comply with the provisions of section 136 of the Law of Property Act 1925 , i.e. to give Y a written notice , signed by X , unconditionally assigning to Y all X 's rights as buyer under the contract of sale .
11 The most effective way of doing this is to actively trade on the information acquired even though they run the risk of being prosecuted .
12 One way of doing this is by imposing boundaries , with regard to both time and space , which children and childcare are not allowed to cross .
13 One way of doing this is by taking a unit-linked endowment .
14 The FIRST stage in any good export is to find out as much as possible about the foreign market being considered and the most economic way of doing this is from your own base — ‘ the desk research ’ .
15 The traditional way of doing this was through war .
16 The best way of doing this was by attaching themselves to one of their country 's missions abroad , serving in it in a junior and normally unpaid capacity and thus acquiring experience of diplomatic methods and routines as well as of a foreign country .
17 This on-the-job training might be supplemented ( though here agreement was less widespread ) by study of past negotiations and of the achievements of successful diplomats and statesmen : the best way of doing this was by analysing the despatches and memoranda these had written .
18 One possible way of accomplishing this is through the erosional thinning of the crust when it is elevated during the period of uplift .
19 One way of achieving this is for MAS to hold all copies of the Information Memoranda and only to despatch these once the intermediary has returned a confidentiality undertaking to us .
20 An effective means of achieving this is by the use of an individual care assessment approach , the main elements of which include the following : 1 Medical , Nursing and Social assessment of the person 's needs to determine the most appropriate form of care , eg domiciliary/residential/day care , taking into account availability in both the public and private sector .
21 A simple way of achieving this is by means of the ‘ if … then ’ technique ( Kennedy et al. , 1980 ) .
22 One way of achieving this was to " encourage the use of the library in every aspect of science teaching " .
23 One way of achieving this was by closing each sale by some phrase like : " It seems foolish to miss this one , but it 's up to you . "
24 One easy way of making sure is to simply type EXIT at any MS-DOS prompt before you switch off .
25 The best way of beating these is with a bendy ‘ banana ’ shot .
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