Example sentences of "of [det] [adj] [noun] it " in BNC.

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1 Future microkernel systems excepted — Hewlett-Packard has n't decided which variant of that particular technology it will adopt — the firm says that it , like IBM Corp ( both Software Foundation co-founders ) ‘ has no plans to move to OSF/1 . ’
2 Future microkernel systems excepted — HP has n't decided which flavour of that particular technology it will adopt — the firm says that it , like IBM Corp ( both OSF co-founders ) ‘ has no plans to move to OSF/1 . ’
3 They do have a medical examination as part of the process of coming here and in the course of that medical examination it is sometimes disclosed that a woman is or is not a virgin , and that is sometimes noted on the medical report and from time to time some ECO 's have used that piece of evidence in making a decision about the relationship of the wife ; I have always condemned it and by and large it does not happen .
4 but obviously I must succeed for Yorkshire first , and with a batsman , Sachin Tendulkar , joining us instead of another quick bowler it is more than ever important that I do so . ’
5 With a top capacity of some 75 litres it 's large enough for a week 's backpacking , or even extended expedition use , although I do have some doubts as to whether it could stand up to the rigours of expedition life .
6 On Aug. 20 , King Hassan of Morocco called on the UN to delay the referendum by four months ; Morocco was disputing the UN 's " consolidated list " of approximately 74,000 Sahrawis deemed entitled to vote , and was objecting to Manz 's rejection of a Moroccan list of some 120,000 people it claimed were refugees from the territory entitled to vote .
7 If there is any criticism of this super volume it is that there are not enough explanatory captions .
8 In view of this considerable outlay it will be essential to attract as many members as possible .
9 In view of this considerable outlay it will be essential to attract as many members as possible .
10 There is a substantial belief in ‘ scientific management ’ in enterprises and although there may be modifications of this basic notion it remains remarkably robust .
11 Without some grasp of this basic requirement it is impossible to understand what followed .
12 Additional cost headings would , however , need to be included for : Land Legal fees Estate agent 's fees These basic breakdowns of cost do enable the surveyor or management to identify the total cost allocated to certain cost centres each month and with the aid of this basic information it is possible to produce a cost value reconciliation statement ( see Chapter II ) .
13 In view of this heightened activity it is hardly surprising that medicine should be given credit for the decline in mortality ( e.g. Griffith 1926 ) .
14 In the cool light of this brighter day it was hard to conceive of it as a visitation of demons .
15 In view of this generous gesture it is hoped that both local and visiting climbers will treat this venue with the respect due to a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a first class example of sandstone rock .
16 There is no doubt , of course , that when a given symbol ( irrespective of its " descriptive content " ) is accorded the status of a name , it acquires the privileged position of a representative of the biographical identity of the object it names , and by virtue of this very fact it can no longer be equated with any description , or series of descriptions .
17 Because of this fundamental difference it is difficult to know whether we can rely on information about contemporaries to tell us about prehistoric peoples in the way that is often done still today and was done universally in Marx 's and Engels 's time .
18 Because of this cultural dominance it is often seen to be ‘ proper English ’ with other ways of speaking judged as inferior .
19 In the face of such concerted action it was clear that the Library Association had to take strong action on behalf of its members who , individually , could have little chance of opposing the ban .
20 In view of these discrepant results it seems unlikely that coexisting HBV infection plays a significant role in the aetiopathogenesis of alcohol related liver damage , at least in areas of low HBV prevalence such as Britain .
21 If there is a prevailing thread in the history of these state-owned enterprises it is the constant under-assessment of risk — of the lack of imported materials to supply a manufacturing process , of failure in the supply of inputs ranging from petrol to fertilizer , of farming communities not producing the cash crops to keep a processing plant in operation , and of failing to find competent management for complex operations .
22 ‘ It is simply wrong for the Government to suggest that on the basis of these raw figures it 's possible to make valid comparisons . ’
23 Some of these old ladies it 's the highlight of their week
24 Subject to the contrary agreement of the partners : ( 5 ) Every partner may take part in the management of the partnership business ( 7 ) No partner may be introduced as a partner without the consent of all existing partners ( 8 ) Any difference arising as to ordinary matters connected with the partnership business may be decided by a majority of the partners , but no change may be made in the nature of the partnership business without the consent of all existing partners It is obvious enough that if a partner is to be held responsible for the acts of his co-partners committed in the name of the firm he should in principle have : ( 1 ) unrestricted access to information about those acts ; ( 2 ) every right , indeed a duty , to assume personal responsibility ( equally with his co-partners ) for the conduct of the firm 's affairs ; and ( 3 ) the right ( by exercise of a veto ) to prevent any act for which he is unwilling to accept liability .
25 He 's free of all major complications it 's quite remarkable .
26 I said to the Prime Minister : Make certain — and surely , in face of all this trouble it is worthwhile making certain — that you have the will of the country behind you , and , so far as the Unionist party are concerned , we will absolutely cease all unconstitutional opposition to the carrying of your measure .
27 Max Caulfield , in his biography of Mrs Whitehouse , sums up the argument in one sentence , saying ‘ as to the purpose of all this frenzy it was easy to explain that the forces of revolution , unable to achieve their objectives at the ballot box or , because of the existence of the nuclear bomb , by full-scale war , were endeavouring to encourage moral decay ’ .
28 Since historical entitlement theorists make original acquisition the root of all subsequent entitlements it is essential that they demonstrate that acquisition is an event of sufficient moral significance to bestow on the acquirer all the incidents of private ownership , including the right to transfer the property at will and to confer the same package of rights on all subsequent transferees .
29 Blue watchers are saying that IBM chief John Akers will be out by March or April and that the company in its infinite wisdom will give the job to one of those retired IBMers it just just brought back from the pasture , probably Kaspar Cassoni .
30 Judging by the experience of former returning nurses it is the professed loss of practical and handling skills which gives rise to most worry .
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