Example sentences of "of [det] [noun] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This will assess the war efforts of each country under four headings , ( diplomacy , strategy , economy , and home front ) and also look at six areas of collaboration ( ranging from cultural relations to the legacies of the alliance , including the origins of the cold war ) .
2 The individual reader who , in the absence of an instructor , wishes to find out more about these issues and practices may find the further reading sections at the end of each part particularly useful .
3 Which would be to make them more dynamic , occasionally broader but always keeping the inner life of each woman as real and as simple as Joyce would herself have wanted .
4 The recipes of each sound temptingly exotic and very original .
5 The hobbyist 's name ‘ Quetzal ’ compares it to the Central American bird of that name almost legendary for its fabulous colours .
6 Moreover , the measure says nothing about how the wealth is distributed ; a country could raise its GNP by expanding capital intensive industries which leave the poorest sectors of that society completely untouched .
7 He summarized the teaching of that work under three headings :
8 Is not the timing of that exercise particularly insensitive , and is there any reason why it should not be postponed for a period of , say , a week as a mark of respect to the crew of the Antares , all of whom perished when the vessel was sunk ?
9 Pop having to return to Burma for another year with the Governor , and finally my going to meet him in Liverpool when he was sent home at the end of that year very sick , never to return to Burma .
10 If the dream were to lose its power , if she were somehow to prevent it recurring , she must face again the memory of that afternoon nearly thirty years ago .
11 to be in receipt of that income as far as
12 Can I just take the panel back through the er l back to basics on this matter in terms of the Greater in terms of Greater York and the the areas searched , firstly I think the first point of fact , there 's no part of that sector as far as I 'm aware that 's subject to any landscape designations either national or local .
13 Since Schorne was described in an episcopal record in 1273 as a subdeacon and became an incumbent with cure of souls at that time , it is probably wrong to identify him with the namesake collated by Archbishop John Peckham [ q.v. ] to the rectory of Monks Risborough ( Buckinghamshire ) on 24 September 1289 , a man who had been ordained subdeacon on the title of that benefice just twelve days earlier in Kent .
14 This facility ‘ for burying an emotion in my heart or brain for forty years , and exhuming it at the end of that time as fresh as when interred ’ , as he described it , lies behind many of his most successful lyrics .
15 Of that number considerably less than one-tenth were actually imprisoned for the full period specified , the mere ordering of the execution against the body having produced the almost immediate payment of the debt in nine cases out of ten .
16 I have found that erm it seems basically to be a very pessimistic kind of fiction , more pessimistic than people have often given it credit for , largely because they tend to see , for example in Dashiell Hammett , who 's the author I 'm most interested in from this period , erm a precursor of a lot of heroes , private eyes , who were said to have a very kind of steely moral integrity , which they balance against a general corruption in the world outside , and it does seem to me that in fact with Hammett the detective mirrors the corruption of that world as much as he stands against it , so that it does seem to me rather pessimistic .
17 Unfortunately the mouse does n't eliminate the keyboard completely , the basic information still has to be fed into the computer but what is does do is to make the manipulation of that information much simpler .
18 Further it suggested that of those people who did not go to a lawyer , a higher proportion had received help from outside the household , and of that group only one-quarter had received advice to go to a lawyer which they had ignored Such contrary evidence does not denigrate the value of pre-legal advice , but suggests that , as would be expected , it is not the only significant factor in determining whether , and if so why and how , people seek legal advice .
19 But i See the likes of that wee there that wee dent in that ?
20 He and Roxborough had survived the calamitous events of that midsummer almost two hundred years ago , but most of their dearest friends had not .
21 Then he called for the caskets of gold in which was the balsam and the myrrh which the Soldan of Persia had sent him ; and when these were put before him he bade them bring him the golden cup , of which he was wont to drink ; and he took of that balsam and of that myrrh as much as a little spoon-full , and mingled it in the cup with rose-water and drank of it ; and for the seven days which he lived he neither ate nor drank aught else than a little of that myrrh and balsam mingled with water .
22 " The Meeting considering that the number of useless Dogs in this Country are a great grievance , and that for many obvious reasons their number should be deminished. , and it being also represented that a number of Half Grayhounds very destructive to Hares are kept by Many This Meeting recommend to the Gentlemen of the different quarters of Islay to Intimate to the people of their neighbourhood that all useless and superflous Dogs are to be killed , and that the owner of any Dog found chasing Sheep or Lambs or running Hares shall be liable for the Damages , and the Meeting also recommend that no dog be seen at Church or other publick Meetings . "
23 VINNIE JONES was at the centre of another row just four days after his record £20,000 fine by the FA .
24 The vision of another plane utterly different from our own , ambivalent , perilous and beyond our control , has faded .
25 But is hardly less distressing to Israeli ‘ moderates ’ , not merely because they find oppression of another people morally wrong , but because of its dangerously divisive effect on Israeli society itself .
26 The best the authorities may be able to do is persuade firms , by tightening security , that the chances of another blast as big as this latest one will be much reduced .
27 Certainly of few things more uninteresting .
28 The attitude of some bondholders previously willing to surrender their bonds modified on learning of this privilege which they were previously and largely unaware of in connection with redemption , so much so that of the 47 bonds bought out , 24 holders elected to enjoy perpetual membership .
29 In contrast with the patient and virtuous English , the French were portrayed as , at best , dissembling , unscrupulous and bellicose ; in fact , the patriotic exuberance of some clergy so overwhelmed Christian charity that they had to be warned against making their prayers too bloodthirsty !
30 Of this total about 40,000 are migrants from England .
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