Example sentences of "of [det] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But even at their early fifties peak , these funds constituted only 7 per cent of industrial finance ( 12 per cent of that raised outside the firm ) .
2 The temperature of maximum damping is usually associated with T g , and at low frequencies the value assigned to T g is within a few kelvins of that obtained from the static methods .
3 The number of viable acini isolated in pancreatitis induced by caerulein was only about 30% of that obtained from the intact pancreas .
4 and I 'm not entirely sure , Marcus did phone me and say , at one point , when he was making up the mailing list , he 's had three hundred copies of that made of the extract and he was kind of you know , sniffing around for who to send them
5 The stereo system is standard , but it is particularly complex to operate , even after practice , and the sound quality is but a shadow of that fitted in the version of the car six years ago which was , quite simply , the best I have ever experienced .
6 What do you think of that compared to the numbers ?
7 German armour , typical of that worn by the Hohenstaufen knights , on a warrior of about 1100 .
8 European beef can be bought in West Africa at half the price of that produced in the Sahel .
9 The report estimates that exploitation of bogs in Britain results in carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to 40 per cent of that produced by the country 's transport vehicles .
10 Kerr includes a table of estimates in which it is clear that the ceilings of servants will be several feet lower , the cost of their rooms a mere quarter , and their floor space — despite their larger numbers — less than two-thirds of that allowed to the family .
11 Other theorists ( e.g. Mackintosh and Reese 1979 ) ( see also Wagner 1981 ) attribute the effect to competition between stimuli at a perceptual level , suggesting that because of some limited capacity mechanism , attention can be paid to one component only at the expense of that paid to the other .
12 To my mind it is clear from the terms of the third paragraph of the Crown Prosecution Service 's letter that it is accepted that the order restricts them , in any prosecution which they decide to initiate , to utilising material already obtained or other material obtained independently of that disclosed in the High Court civil proceedings .
13 Its area is a tiny fraction of that occupied by the 21 hostile Arab states ; Syria alone is seven times as large .
14 Interest in the implications of this increased in the 1960s , with the result that seismic and drilling have since demonstrated the continuation of the thrust with shallow dips well to the south of its outcrop .
15 The proportion of this paid in the Wales LFA is unknown because such statistics are not available from the Welsh Office Agriculture Department .
16 In court the young women were cross-examined at length and accounts of this published in the press .
17 These men supplied many of the first generation of Russian permanent representatives in western Europe : of the twelve of these accredited in the first decade of the eighteenth century five had been members of the group of students sent to Venice in 1697 .
18 One of these referred to the old man who seemed to be the self-appointed guide to the Bowder Stone , that most popular tourist attraction , which hangs precariously , as it hung then , in Borrowdale .
19 I would also be interested to know what other paths they had walked and what their perceptions were of these compared to the Staffordshire Way .
20 A very few of these survived into the Triassic .
21 Many of these surfaced with the introduction of GCSE , in a heated debate over empathy , in the press and among parents , as well as among the teaching profession .
22 Since no detailed register of these existed at the point of emancipation , one of the main purposes of the post-1861 charters was to set them down on paper .
23 Even so , very few of these perished in the exact physical and chemical conditions necessary for fossilisation .
24 Some of these continued into the Middle Ages and beyond and have been well recorded .
25 Many of these continued into the twentieth century .
26 Each of these overlapped with the other ; each depended on the other for either illustration , evidence , or knowledge , and each reinforced the other , providing both an individual and a collective logic and coherence .
27 By the time Iran had attacked a Kuwaiti , a Saudi and then a Liberian tanker ( the last of these caught near the principal Saudi terminal at Ras Tanura ) , the GCC states had begun to recognize this sequence — as it was doubtless intended — as a signal to distance themselves from Iraq in the light of the support they had been providing for Baghdad .
28 One sign of the importance they attached to this work is that turquoise covered masks featured in the tribute handed to Cortés and transmitted to the emperor Charles V. Some of these passed into the family collection of the Medici and following the dispersal of this the important examples now in the Museum of Mankind passed to the British Museum .
29 All but 22 of these occurred during the exceptional influxes into England of the autumn and winter periods of 1966/67 , 1973/74 and 1974/75 .
30 The majority of these focused on the clash ( judged from their own knowledge of the world ) between the eighteenth century and the petrochemical refinery .
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