Example sentences of "of [noun prp] would be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Under the terms of the truce and the modifications agreed to it on 27 June , the siege of Quimperlé would be lifted , Duke John would withdraw his army from Brittany , Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte would be handed over to papal mediators who would deliver it to the King of France when the truce expired , and the English would receive 40,000 francs in compensation .
2 One non-commissioned officer , writing home , said he presumed that by the time his letter arrived ‘ the bells throughout the whole of Germany would be announcing the victory over the mightiest enemy of civilization .
3 China , which had reportedly ofered an interest-free loan for an unspecified sum on the understanding that recognition of Taiwan would be revoked , suspended relations with Niger on July 30 .
4 Roads in and out of Buckinghamshire would be flooded and telephone lines severely disrupted .
5 On the same day , however , it passed a highly controversial law by which all residents of Lithuania would be given certificates of citizenship provided they signed a pledge to uphold Lithuania 's independence constitution .
6 On July 23 the Seimas decided that elections in Polish-populated regions of Lithuania would be held on Nov. 22 .
7 In 1968 it was planned that field staff working in the north of England would be based in the new Scottish headquarters but later , the space originally allocated to them was given to the Marine Geophysics Unit .
8 Soon Edward of England would be checkmated .
9 Under Italy 's immigration laws refugees still unemployed by the end of July would be declared illegal immigrants and subject to deportation back to Albania .
10 Its responsibilities East of Suez would be taken over by a new tri-Service headquarters established at Aden under an air vice-marshal with the title of HQ British Forces , Middle East .
11 Martin Page of KPMG Peat Marwick said it was likely that R E Gobbitt and Sons of Worlingworth would be wound up after completing existing commitments .
12 All Nu could secure was agreement that the ‘ Interim Government ’ of Burma would be called the ‘ provisional Government ’ and the Members of the Executive Council would be Ministers , and their chief recognised as Prime Minister .
13 Most of us civilians accepted the official assurances that some part of Burma would be held , and so we stayed put .
14 The Labour Party spokesperson on trade and industry on Dec. 7 , 1989 , published letters leaked to him which principally disclosed that Lord Young of Graffham , Trade and Industry Secretary at the time of the Rover sale , had offered to BAe chairman Roland Smith a variety of means by which both the government and BAe could avoid parliamentary and EC scrutiny , relating to the date on which the purchase price of Rover would be paid .
15 Their existence , like that of other nationalist splinter groups , was vital to the continuance of a Labour government , and private negotiations with them ( amongst whom was now numbered Enoch Powell ) ensured that their numbers in the new House of Commons would be raised from 12 to 18 .
16 I know of no authority for the proposition that an ordinary crime committed in the House of Commons would be withdrawn from the ordinary course of criminal justice .
17 The number of people who have died on our streets is equivalent to a hundred thousand people dying in the streets of Britain , if that were happening , then the House of Commons would be packed to the doors everyday , until they got it sorted out .
18 The reputations of our national football , cricket and tennis teams have sunk to a level where victory over the likes of Macao or the Isle of Man would be greeted as minor triumphs , while even our Olympic sprint gold medallist Linford Christie could finish no better than seventh in mid-week .
19 She feared that the air of Paris would be poisoned with it just as the air of the Riviera had been …
20 For the entire working-class left the answer seemed to be that the tragedy of Austria would be replayed in Spain ; for the Republican left it was that the Republic would be constitutionally ‘ revised ’ out of existence .
21 The New Hampshire result ensured that the challenge of Buchanan would be maintained at least into March , and increased the growing belief that Bush — despite having recorded popular approval ratings of up to 90 per cent in the immediate aftermath of the Gulf war — was vulnerable to defeat in his bid for a second presidential term .
22 Mr Paterson said the formal consultation process on permanent closure of Heiton would be carried out over the summer .
23 For were this to be admitted to be the case , the belief that their religious position ( in which women are subordinate , or hold a particular place ) is of God would be undermined .
24 He was the funnel through whom all subsequent experience of the Spirit of God would be mediated .
25 At this time Ayatollah Khomeini was declaring that any country which took the Shah out of Iran would be doing the revolution a favour .
26 Thus the English radical Richard Price suggested in very general terms in 1776 the creation of a senate in which all the States of Europe would be represented and which would have power to intervene in disputes between them .
27 John of Gaunt , it was proposed , would become a French prince and , through him , the link with England and its royal family would be maintained while at the same time the fundamental English objection that their king should not be a vassal of the king of France would be met .
28 A trip to this part of France would be wasted without a visit to Le Touquet .
29 Whatever the legal rights and wrongs , so long as the Angevins actually held Gisors they were clearly negotiating from a position of strength and could reasonably hope that one day the King of France would be forced to concede their case .
30 The effect of a new settlement south east of York would be to increase those levels so that people with from Greater York , would find would not be able to find accommodation within the new settlement and therefore the total housing requirement of Greater York would be increased and housing needs would not be met .
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