Example sentences of "of [noun prp] 's [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Books are at the heart of long-lived auction businesses : Sotheby 's started with books in the eighteenth century , and the first founders of Christie 's also auctioned off famous libraries such as that of Dr Johnson in 1785 .
2 It took all the strength of Perdita 's frantically squeezing legs to stop her ducking out .
3 The same might be said of Redon 's frequently alluded to fragility : according to Eisenman he was ever teetering on the brink of depression and death , though this in turn does not explain why the artist lived seventy-five years of life quite satisfactorily .
4 The reputation of Vertus 's richly perfumed still red wines goes back to the fourteenth century ; in the seventeenth century these wines were favoured by William of Orange .
5 A retrospective arranged by Roger Billcliffe for the Fine Art Society to coincide with her 85th birthday confirmed her as one of Scotland 's partially hidden treasures .
6 It 's still the general feeling by several of Scotland 's well known bands that the only place to record is London and if they record in Scotland it 's a bit parochial . ’
7 On this issue the debate between T. H. Huxley and Bishop Wilberforce at the British Association meeting of 1860 over the significance of Darwin 's recently published The Origin of Species has entered into our mythology .
8 Nick has also climbed an E6 6b/c line at Torbrien Quarry ( one of Devon 's better kept secrets ) right of Mayday .
9 Those in favour of Mr 's please show Those against .
10 The debate was revealing because it exposed the core of racism and bigotry beneath the liberal rhetoric of Canada 's much vaunted multiculturalism .
11 Their models are their own or each others ' motets and chansons and the chansons of such Parisian colleagues as Claudin de Sermisy , and they make fuller use of the whole polyphonic complex of the model than their predecessors had done : how flexibly may be seen by comparing the opening of the Kyrie of Clemens 's already mentioned Mass ‘ Misericorde ’ : with that of his chanson ‘ Misericorde au martir amoureulx ’ : Bars 3–5 of the Kyrie are not the extraneous interpolation they seem to be ; they come from bars 18–20 of the chanson :
12 At the strategic level of integrating the territories into the Israeli economy , the competitive edge of Israel 's highly developed and heavily subsidized productive capacity in industry and agriculture destroyed the Palestinian sector almost in its entirety — although there was not an enormous amount to destroy because of the Jordanian legacy of economic neglect .
13 They presented the Museum with copies of the publications of his op.I and op.II sonatas ( K.6–9 ) , a copy of J. B. Delafosse 's engraving of the watercolour of Leopold and his children by Louis Carrogis de Carmontelle ( see PLATE I ) and the manuscript of Mozart 's specially composed four-part vocal composition ‘ God is our Refuge ’ , K.20 , written out with the help of his father ( 7 ) .
14 A HINT of Liverpool 's long lost glamour as Britain 's premier passenger port will return this autumn when a Ukrainian liner will operate several cruises from the Mersey — the first cruise ship to do so for 16 years .
15 The number in question ( ‘ Carl 's 115th Coach Trip Nightmare ’ ) is actually written about a dream but is a good example of Cud 's new found musical awareness .
16 The number in question ( ‘ Carl 's 115th Coach Trip Nightmare ’ ) is actually written about a dream but is a good example of Cud 's new found musical awareness .
17 The problem for Kahn and his fellow minority shareholders , representing approximately 25%/ of Velcro 's publicly held share , was the powerful presence of a 65%/ block in Velcro held by a company called Cohere , which had originally committed itself to support the liquidation proposal .
18 The Independent of Dec. 7 estimated that 3,400 foreign nationals were being held in Kuwait and Iraq , including 580 detained at strategic military and civilian sites as part of Iraq 's now abandoned " human shield " policy [ for which see p. 37697 ] .
19 Landmarks he had completely forgotten seemed to materialise before his mesmerised gaze — like the moat of Hugh de Lacy 's twelfth-century castle , now overgrown and weed-filled , the castle itself a ruin , and in front of it at the end of Granard 's gently curving single street the already greying walls of St Mary 's Church that his labouring father had helped to build .
20 In 1969 , nearly one third of Spain 's freight and almost a quarter of Britain 's still went by rail .
21 But there are fears that the MPC could wind up staffed by members of France 's closely knit financial elite , whose pals roam the corridors of political power .
22 Not to be confused with the swept-wing Delta stunters , the 2-line Diamonds , known generically as Peter Powell types , although not always the size or the quality of Peter 's long serving originals , are popular first kites .
23 The ‘ transition team ’ has been quietly at work in Little Rock , capital of Clinton 's home state Arkansas , mulling policy and future appointments .
24 A half-derelict industrial next to the Regent 's Canal , it is now tipped for recovery and renewal , in the wake of Foster 's long awaited regeneration scheme .
25 While she was happy for her younger sister , she admitted to being rather envious of Diana 's new found fame .
26 Rauschning had tried to bring about some sensible appreciation of Danzig 's rapidly fading monopoly position vis-a-vis Polish trade and to effect a policy whereby the city would realise its unique position on the Baltic by quietly penetrating the Polish , Lithuanian and Russian markets .
27 Only twelve seconds of Crawford 's newly found skill was seen in this racy film and , incidentally , one of the two female water-skiers glimpsed in the same scene was Charlotte Rampling in her first film role .
28 She was happily thinking , Serves him right , a pity there was n't a cloudburst , when across the car park , in an area where the top managers of Vasey 's normally parked their cars , she noticed that room had been made for another car .
29 The Sernf valley , which curves round in the shape of a crook , is served by a postbus service ( Timetable No 902.45 ) to anumber of village resorts , the terminal one being Elm ( at 977m , 3,205ft ) where springs the source of one of Switzerland 's widely distributed natural mineral waters .
30 Well over a hundred of Oxfordshire 's lowest paid and angriest health workers attended a mass meeting to hear that almost all the region 's clerical staff had voted for a one day strike .
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