Example sentences of "of [noun prp] should be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Discussions of how the relative strength of States should be evaluated were common , but none of their authors succeeded in finding a clear or universally applicable solution to the problem .
2 John Popham , a parliamentary agent representing 13 local residents who have petitioned against the bill , believes that ‘ residents of Newport should be given the same degree of protection as the government has decided is necessary for property owners in Cardiff ’ .
3 It is a farce — indeed , it is tragic — that a matter of such grave concern to the people of Scotland should be raised in an Adjournment debate when time is limited .
4 A marriage treaty was signed , including in its provisions an agreement that the independence of Scotland should be recognized .
5 Edward made his own views clear by stating that he regarded the 1328 treaty as invalid because it had been made when he was a minor and under the tutelage of others and that his title to the overlordship of Scotland should be reasserted .
6 Comparisons with the 1914–18 career of Monty should be viewed with the knowledge that this outstanding man was gravely wounded while leading his platoon of the Royal Warwicks early in the conflict and this slowed his promotion considerably .
7 Broadly speaking , the church planting activity in the Church of England should be divided into two kinds .
8 The same sort of planting medium as for the other species of Cryptocoryne should be used .
9 However , for best results any of the mixtures prescribed for the other species of Cryptocoryne should be provided .
10 A sage advised a northern Thane to load his donkey with gold ; the castle of Cawdor should be built where the animal stopped from fatigue — by a hawthorn-tree , as it happened : hence its preservation .
11 Relations with the Republic of Ireland should be institutionalised .
12 Members in Bank of Ireland should be advised that these discussions are also taking place in the other Banks .
13 As mentioned in the sub-section on SPRs , a number of SSRs should be generated when responding to a complex SPR , thus allowing the complete description to be stored in LIFESPAN .
14 At any rate anybody who buys The Best of Boulestin should be warned to pay no attention to the announcement on the jacket which informs us that the book contains a selection of the best recipes of a " World-Famous Chef " .
15 This does not mean that the vast provinces of Russia should be ignored , although they usually are .
16 For the reasons outlined above the County Council remains of the opinion that the two sites to the north of Skelton should be excluded from the greenbelt and included within the Skelton village inset .
17 In the 1155 peace between King Henry II and Louis VII , it was agreed that Henry 's quarrel with Thibaud of Blois should be ended by arbitration .
18 Plans for the link between Darlington College of Technology and the Lycee Romain Rolland in Darlington 's twin town of Amiens should be finalised tomorrow .
19 Is not it reasonable that the House of Commons should be given the same information as is made available to the press in briefings ?
20 In 1800 , the parish received two bequests from John May of Snodland , the first was that ten poor children of Halling should be instructed in reading , writing and arithmetic , along with ten from Birling and twenty from Snodland .
21 It may not seem intrinsically puzzling why the story of Jesus should be broadcast in Holy Week .
22 Unless the skull is weak and fragmentary , no plaster of Paris should be used to fill in gaps .
23 In Georgia , where the referendum was held at the same time as elections for local councils , voters were asked : " Do you agree that the state independence of Georgia should be restored on the basis of the independence act of May 26 , 1918 ? "
24 All enquiries about nomination for quota awards tenable at the University of Ulster should be directed to the Administrative Officer of the Faculty in which postgraduate study is to be carried out .
25 Enquiries to the University of Ulster should be addressed to the Academic Office at the address indicated on page 46 , or to the appropriate Faculty Administrative Officer ( see page 46 ) .
26 Maps : The Schneider map of the Kathmandu Valley is invaluable ; outside the valley , the Nelles map of Nepal should be taken with a pinch of salt .
27 I do not think for a moment that the Letter of Aristeas should be taken as a Festal Scroll , something like the Book of Esther , to be read in the Alexandrian synagogues every year on the day on which ( as we know from Philo ) the Alexandrian Jews commemorated the translation ( De vita Mosis 2.41 ) .
28 I have decided that an appeal to the House of Lords should be lodged , and this has been done .
29 It has been suggested that the delaying power of the House of Lords should be reduced still further .
30 It has often been argued that the House of Lords should be abolished and that we should have a unicameral system of Government .
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