Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [vb -s] to be " in BNC.

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1 The latter part of March appears to be something of an uphill battle , and no doubt you will continue to feel nonplussed because of others ' outrageous demands over finances or business associations .
2 In addition to the figures tabulated , a total of some 100–200 birds is usually recorded each winter on other ponds , and the present wintering population of Sussex seems to be of the order of 1,000–2,000 birds .
3 ‘ Maclean of Duart needs to be more than good and honest !
4 As soon as one investigates which people actually marry each other one finds that the lightning shaft of Cupid seems to be guided rather strongly within very definite channels of class , income , education , racial and religious background .
5 the phone calls , er , well the seventeenth of February looks to be the last itemized one
6 The actual ratio that the Bank of England considers to be prudent will depend on the type of bank and its proportion of sight deposits to demand deposits .
7 The Bank of England tends to be more concerned with systemic risk whereas the SIB and SROs are more involved with investor protection in relation to different areas of activity , although as mentioned earlier there are significant linkages and overlaps between the two .
8 Since chronological age and MLU do not correspond perfectly , the table includes an indication of the range of MLU scores to be expected in children developing normally .
9 A diminutive figure of Minerva appears to be directing operations from the rear .
10 Geriatric units are particularly vulnerable because treatment of UTIs tends to be long term and there is extensive use of indwelling urinary tract catheters .
11 Gregory 's account of Clovis seems to be more concerned to create the image of a catholic king against whom his successors could be assessed , than with any desire to provide an accurate account of the reign .
12 With a straight tail the front part of the body of Leosothosaurus has to be lowered , and this levels out the back-bone and balances the body around the hips .
13 There are measurable changes in the cerebro-spinal fluid ( the CSF ) when neurosyphilis is present , and therefore a sample of CSF needs to be obtained for analysis .
14 The Bank of England at present allows current year profits of UK banks to be included in tier 1 capital if they publish an interim statement .
15 The narrow neck just south of Aldeburgh appears to be surprisingly resistant : it was breached , however , by the 1953 floods , but reformed by bulldozers within a few days .
16 However , since the reappearence rate was much higher ( 96% ) in patients with evidence of active viral replication ( serum HBV DNA positive ) , and since our data would suggest that the severity of injury in the infected allograft is also dependent on the HBV status of the native liver , the efficacy of repeated administration of HBIG deserves to be tested within a randomised controlled trial .
17 The North Yorkshire resort of Whitby promises to be a particularly noisy place later this month when it plays host to the region 's first-ever town criers ' competition .
18 Perched on the hillsides are typical old Provençal villages , some , like Oppéde-le-Vieux , crumbling , haunted , half-deserted , others like Bonnieux with a flourishing modern village built below the old one , and up beyond Apt , through the dramatic stretch of ochre-mining country , the strange red-gold village of Roussillon appears to be toppling precariously on the edge of a craggy cliff .
19 This effect of PYY seems to be mediated by inhibition of cholinergic neurotransmission through a pertussis toxin sensitive mechanism .
20 The launch comes at a time when support for the Green Parties of Europe appears to be waning .
21 No , I think the population of Britain deserves to be represented by the best , and I do n't care whether that best is a man or a woman
22 The position of Aquitaine needs to be considered in this light .
23 The case of Instan seems to be authority for the proposition that a common-law duty was imposed upon the defendant to continue to care for her aunt , having once undertaken this responsibility.55 It would seem to follow from the fact that a relationship has to be created for the duty to arise that if the relationship ceases by one party releasing and absolving the other of his obligations , the duty also ceases .
24 Adalbert of Bremen claims to be spiritual overlord of the Orkneys and Norway : do you want to set a precedent there ? ’
25 If any holiday could be a tonic for both mind and body , a few days in the clean air and clear conscience of Saalbach-Hinterglemm has to be it .
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