Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 THE launch of Middlesbrough yesterday as the country 's second environment city did n't exactly get off to a flying start .
2 In a famous book ( The King 's Two Bodies ) , E. H. Kantorowicz illustrated his theme of the development of Christ-centred kingship with the depiction of the Emperor Otto III on a page of a gospel book made for the imperial church of Aachen probably in the 990s .
3 Of the 29 rifts identified in Africa , five have led to continental separation and a further three have been associated with the movement of Madagascar away from the African mainland .
4 PENSIONER Sophia Hymes will be given the freedom of Chester today at the age of 91 .
5 The white marble figure of Bacchus now in the ilex walk at Ham House in Richmond , for example , is almost certainly that mentioned in a 1672 inventory — ‘ For 1 Pedastall for ye figure Bacchus ’ .
6 This covers most of Scotland apart from the Midland Valley and identifies estates by name , with a map showing their boundaries .
7 When the crowd sang Flower Of Scotland deep into the final quarter of the match , Hastings responded with a brilliant diagonal run off a dummy scissors which would have brought a try for Reed in the corner but for courageous defending from Davies .
8 From the northern tip of Spain across to the Western edge of Italy , this magical coast boasts mile upon mile of golden sand lapped by clear warm seas .
9 ‘ The Secretary of State may , if recommended to do so by the Parole Board , release on licence a person serving a sentence of imprisonment for life … but shall not do so in the case of a person sentenced to imprisonment for life … except after consultation with the Lord Chief Justice of England together with the trial judge if available .
10 It will be seen that section 61(1) does not require the Secretary of State to release any person serving a sentence of imprisonment for life on licence , but imposes two conditions which must be satisfied before he may do so , namely , that the release must first be recommended by the Parole Board ( a body which was itself constituted by section 59 of the Act of 1967 ) and that the Secretary of State may not release on licence except after consultation with the Lord Chief Justice of England together with the trial judge if available .
11 ‘ The Secretary of State may , if recommended to do so by the Parole Board , release on licence a person serving a sentence of imprisonment for life … but shall not do so … except after consultation with the Lord Chief Justice of England together with the trial judge if available .
12 These restrictions on testation had disappeared over the greater part of England early in the fourteenth century , but they survived in the province of York till 1692 , in Wales till 1696 , and in London till 1724 .
13 Inventories such as this have been used in bulk by agricultural historians to show how varied were the regional farming practices of England long before the Agricultural Revolution .
14 One can not compare exactly the customs accounts from the two ports , because those for London ending in 1460 conclude at the end of July instead of the normal date of Michaelmas , so the second period employed in the comparison is that of the eleven years 1450–61 .
15 Since enamelling was taken over by the west to produce jewels like that which tradition claims was presented to his foundation , New College , Oxford , by William of Wykeham early in the fourteenth century ( fig. 29 ) , enamel has held its own in the embellishment of symbols of high achievement .
16 To me there are prototypes of Alf all over the country : far too many of them in fact .
17 Leave Market Square and go south down ‘ The Drapery ’ — the name derived from the congregation of Drapers there in the 18th and 19th Centuries .
18 He was satisfied to leave the government of Sicily largely to the chancellor , Gauthier de Paléar , bishop of Troja , who stood for Sicilian rights and was anti-German .
19 Sadly , the gloom of World Cup failure prevails ; Denmark 's 1–0 defeat of Albania earlier in the day rendered even the most optimistic mathematician 's calculator redundant .
20 The most serious problem remaining for 5 Corps was thus that posed by the approach of the main body of Croat troops ( reported as being 200,000 in number ) , accompanied by huge numbers of Croat civilians , who were attempting to escape into Austria via Dravograd , towards the small town of Bleiburg just inside the Austrian frontier .
21 It compares the centralised approach of CND unfavourably with the West German peace movement , which does not have a permanent organisation .
22 Across the little Livre valley the vines grown on the east and south-east-facing slopes of Mont Écouvé , at a height of between 150 and 170 metres , are an extension to those of Bouzy just over the hill .
23 Mr speaker I beg to move that the draft European parliamentary constituency 's England order nineteen ninety four erm the draft European parliamentary constituency 's Wales order nineteen ninety four which were laid before the house on the twentieth of January together with the draft European parliamentary election changes to the franchise and qualification of representatives regulations nineteen ninety four which were laid on the second of February , be approved .
24 Jehan knew that many of the Khans had been won over to support of Artai principally by the knowledge that the probable alternative was civil war , and he shook his head angrily .
25 West German electors recognize the propriety of indirect election justified by votes given to parties , and might well be surprised that political figures as eminent as Shirley Williams , Roy Jenkins and Enoch Powell could be excluded from the House of Commons simply by the say-so of voters in Cambridge , Glasgow Hillhead and Down South .
26 A NEW Finance Bill will be put before the House of Commons shortly after the Queen 's Speech on May 6 to include the parts of the Budget which were dropped when the election was called the day after Budget Day , including increases in inheritance tax allowances , backdated to the start of the current financial year .
27 The headquarters of the GLC , the great pile of County Hall , changed from being a tedious and unloved administrative centre to become the Right-On rival to the House of Commons directly across the River Thames .
28 Does my hon. Friend agree that many leaders of local industry are giving their time and experience to ensure the great success of TECs all over the United Kingdom and that it is imperative that we , the Government , ensure that they are properly funded ?
29 During the course of their conversation , to which Julia listened with only half her attention as she sipped her brandy , she learned that Jackson French was likely to be posted to London to play a part in the winding up of UNRRA later in the year and that Comfort herself was due to leave Venice in two days ' time ‘ now that Julia is getting well again' .
30 Never mind , what it comes to is that there may well be a sturdy little male to carry the name of Graham proudly into the future .
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