Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [noun sg] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 On the house ! ’ you are probably mumbling to yourself as you polish off the bottle of Jim Beam meant for the 15 April issue winner .
2 The purpose of this study was to evaluate the longterm clinical and endoscopical effects of Nissen fundoplication performed for reflux , including assessment of oesophageal function .
3 The Labour party is not committed to any specific increase in health service expenditure , but it is committed to a specific cut in the proportion of NHS expenditure used for patient care .
4 The Church of England school caters for children from the age of five to eleven years , they then attend Hornsea comprehensive .
5 Trapped whales of Scapa Flow heading for the open sea again David Hartley records the successful end of Operation Gentle Shepherd
6 On Aug. 16 , as a shipment of UN relief arrived for the first time in the southern port of Kismayo , a local militia which had been hired to protect it stole 600 tonnes of food and fuel .
7 As early as 1842 Disraeli had moved a House of Commons motion calling for union of British diplomats and consuls in a single service .
8 Column 1 in the same table considers the share of UK population accounted for by each region for the same year .
9 The share of UK demand accounted for by oil has fallen from 50% in 1973 to 37% in 1983 .
10 In column 2 of Table 9.1 , the share of UK GDP accounted for by each region is recorded for 1988 .
11 If the share of UK GDP accounted for by a particular region is equal to its share of UK population and , if this is true for all regions , then GDP is spread proportional to population throughout the country .
12 However , if the share of UK GDP accounted for by a particular region is higher than its share of UK population , then that region is relatively more prosperous than the average ; conversely for a lower figure .
13 The share of UK GDP accounted for by each region ;
14 Table 9.2 ( columns 1 and 2 ) indicates that the share of UK GDP accounted for by the South East , the South West , East Anglia , the East Midlands and Northern Ireland increased between 1978 and 1988 .
15 The centre of Westminster Abbey stood for Poets ' Corner .
16 what motives prompt collaboration in IRCs ; to what extent does the orientation of IRC research allow for serendipitous discoveries ; what are the implications for control of intellectual property rights ; what is the relationship of the IRC to the rest of the university and to other faculties ?
17 " There 's a little plantation of Norway spruce planted for your great-aunt and there are two fields , I think they 're called Long-fallow and the Barn field , which I wanted your aunt to plant .
18 A class 76 approaches the top of Worsborough bank bound for Wath. both A.R .
19 Meanwhile , UniForum — the US Unix user group — has scheduled an executive session for Friday March 19 with Roel Pieper of Unix System Labs , David Tory of the Open Software Foundation and Paul Maritz of Microsoft Corp speaking for 10 minutes apiece then opening the floor to an hour 's worth of questions and answers .
20 The recombinant lambda-phage LPw2-13 was isolated from the EMBL4 gene bank by probing with the recombinant plasmid pGW1 , which contains a 4.3 kbp Hind III fragment of P.wickerhamii mtDNA coding for the 3' part of the coxI gene and the SSUrRNA gene ( 25 ) .
21 The availability of sequence data from two mosaic genes of P.wickerhamii mitochondria allows for the first time a comparison of algal intron positions with those from fungi and liverwort .
22 Professor Fred Stone of Glasgow University called for a countrywide network of agencies made up from the police , social workers , teachers and other agencies to spot potential troublesome children .
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