Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [be] [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 The Contemporary Arts Centre of Cincinnati was acquitted of obscenity on Oct. 5 for having displayed an exhibition of photographs by the late Robert Mapplethorpe .
2 ‘ Berlioz is usually known for his noisier moments , but half the score of Béatrice is composed of quiet , gentle music of tremendous wit and subtlety .
3 Although Gregory states in his Histories that Quintianus of Rodez was suspected of treason by the Visigoths , in his Life of the bishop he reveals that the local catholics were opposed to him , because he had moved the bones of a favourite saint .
4 It is not a condition that the third State be specified by name provided it is clear from the context or surrounding circumstances what State is intended , or that a group or class of States is intended of which the claiming State is a member .
5 Much of the east coast of England is formed of Pleistocene deposits which yield rapidly to wave action provided that they are not protected by natural constructional forms or by artificial defences , such as breakwaters and groynes .
6 This is what the Englishness of England is made of , and it is this sense of place and the particular which we are currently in danger of losing , just as we come to understand it more clearly .
7 John of Salisbury 's comment that not only the towns but also the fortresses of Gaul feared Henry I of England was revealing of the new situation .
8 In September " Mr. John Wodrow , Minister of the Parish of Kildalton having Represented That the Church of Lagavullin was stripped of many slates , and otherwise much hurt by the Storm , and that it is absolutely necessary That the same be immediately Repaired , otherwise that the Church will become ruinous … " £7:4:0 was granted .
9 At the Northampton Eyre for Rockingham Forest , which opened in September 1635 , the late Earl of Salisbury was convicted of having assarted 2,300 acres of Brigstock Parks in 1604 , destroying the vert and a thousand deer , and enclosing the parks .
10 Thinking of Minnie was to think of days long ago when she had been at the centre of things .
11 The people of Israel are thought of as a people chosen by God who are to separate themselves from the rest of the peoples of the earth by a series of laws that distinguish the holy time ( sabbath ) from profane time , clean foods from unclean foods , clean from unclean bodily states and holy from unholy places .
12 To think of Crabbe is to think of England .
13 As Rene Padilla cautions , ‘ To speak of the Kingdom of God is to speak of the purpose of God , of which the empirical church is little more than a pale reflection ’ ( Padilla 1975:43 ) .
14 The pyramids of Egypt are constructed of limestone blocks in which the species Nummulites gizehensis is conspicuous ( opposite p. 64 ) .
15 But it is one thing to say that once the House of Lords is seised of the case it must resolve all outstanding issues in the appeal itself .
16 The Earl of Pembroke was accused of displacing all the attorneys at the Council in the Marches and forcing them to buy back their offices from him .
17 The camps of Mordovia are known of by all citizens .
18 The ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the church of York was thought of as having been advanced by the military conquests of successive northern kings .
19 Mortimer , who dominated the council , wielded power with no more tact and delicacy than had the Despensers or Edward II ; Henry of Lancaster , Mortimer 's erstwhile ally , was excluded from policy-making in 1328 , and in 1330 the earl of Kent was accused of conspiracy and summarily executed , much to the alarm of the other nobles .
20 Paul Jones of Lidbrook and Mark Weaver and Peter Barkett of Coleford are accused of serious assaults on police , after a sergeant was said to have been headbutted and punched .
21 The bracelet made in Paris around 1845 for Princess Eugenie of Hohenzollern-Hechingen was formed of enamelled gold links corresponding with the immediate family circle .
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