Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [verb] be [adj] " in BNC.

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31 The amount of ClO accumulating was proportional to the uptake current at different membrane potentials ( Fig. 4 f ) and was similar to the rise in [ ClO ] o predicted from the uptake current flowing ( Fig. 4 g legend ) .
32 The career of Miller had been that of a classic party functionary rising to PUWP central committee secretary and politburo member , whereas Kwasniewski , who came up through the editorship of party youth wing newspapers to become Minister of Youth and Sports from 1985 , had made his name as a pragmatist and advocate of co-operation with Solidarity in the 1989 round table talks .
33 The Commission on Analytical Nomenclature of IUPAC has been active for a long time in establishing nomenclature for chromatography .
34 A massive programme of institutional reforms was premised on a belief that certain elements in the economy , polity and society of Japan had been conducive to the rise of militarism in the country and the waging of aggressive war .
35 During their schooldays at Eton , Johnnie Spencer and the Earl of Dartmouth had been good friends .
36 The number of PW involved is colossal , amounting , in von Seeler 's own estimate , to some 30,000 men , composed as follows 10,000 Germans … 13,000 Slovenes All front line fighters .
37 This legislation ensured that the whole of Britain has been subject to compulsory land planning based on the application of two simple practices : the preparation ( including revision and updating ) of plans for the future allocation of land uses , and the control of development to accord with the provisions of those plans .
38 The flight from London to the Nice-Côte d'Azur airport in the south of France had been long-winded and tiring , with delays at either end .
39 They were on weak ground , for there were no precedents for this , and on 8 March the Cologne assembly , now meeting at Mulhouse , divested Philip of this title and denied the validity of his election , saying that it had been carried out in an unusual place and that the count Palatine and the archbishop of Mainz had been absent .
40 The losses at the Battle of Sagrajas had been great and not even the addition of El Cid 's men could make it anything like as strong as it had been before the coming of Yusuf .
41 The Dazer was reviewed in RUNNING last May , and Andrew Green of Farnham has been happy with his .
42 Such strains develop rapidly : in one in-vitro study ( Larder BA , et al , Beckenham , UK ) at time zero , 87.7% of HIV isolates were wild-type with only 6.6% mutants .
43 An irritating feature of Wien filters is that to vary the pass or rejection frequency , ideally both capacitances or , as is rather easier , both resistances should be varied in sympathy .
44 ‘ I am convinced that if the people of Cheltenham had been blind and not seen the colour of John Taylor 's skin he would have been elected , ’ said Mr Nick Leach , secretary of a Cheltenham Tory ward .
45 Jean de Grilly 's behaviour towards the house of Béarn had been bad enough in 1284 , but in the eyes of the count the arrogant and arbitrary actions of Eustache de Beaumarchais 's lieutenant in 1292 were even worse .
46 Before the 1948 war the population of Transjordan had been 430,000 .
47 It has been suggested that this acetylation process may inactivate the drug , and the results of clinical treatment trials of Ac-ASA have been conflicting , with the drug being ineffective in two out of three trials .
48 It pointedly says that the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh had been supportive and sympathetic to the couple .
49 The Sun has not been one of the newspapers which has in any way suggested that either the Queen or the Duke of Edinburgh have been other than supportive to the Princess of Wales . ’
50 In 590 it further became apparent that bishop Egidius of Rheims had been involved in Rauching 's plot , and he was deposed from his see .
51 In 1801 the population of London had been 900,000 ; by 1831 , at 1,654,994 , it had nearly doubled .
52 Since 1961 , the expansion of towns and cities within a hundred or more miles of London has been enormous .
53 Whereas the bulk of America has been slow to latch on to new British acts , the more European attitudes of New York welcomed anything English and wielding a guitar .
54 ‘ I think that the powers of Callanish have been guiding me to Wrath all my life , ’ she said .
55 Does the Minister recognise that those of us who are friends of Kenya have been concerned for some time that that country has been slipping from the flagship position of good and open government in Africa ?
56 One means suggested for transfer of moisture into the interior of Pangaea has been monsoonal circulation created by the Permian continental configuration .
57 Charles Williams had been a friend of T. S. Eliot , but Lewis 's distrust of Eliot had been implacable , and their first meeting in 1945 , at Williams 's instigation , had been no better than guarded , though they later joined as Anglicans in retranslating the Book of Common Prayer version of the Psalter .
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