Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [noun] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 I feel that their movement follows the tradition of Mahatma Gandhi which has deeply inspired me ever since I was a small boy .
2 I noted from Gergiev 's conducting CV that he had n't escaped the grip of the Union of Composers : the works or its secretary- general , the ogre-figure of Tikhon Khrennikov who had been behind the 1948 denunciations of Prokofiev and Shostakovich , are a fairly regular feature .
3 The question of royal finances had been particularly in the public eye following the confirmation by Peter Brooke , the National Heritage Secretary , on Nov. 23 that the government would meet the costs of restoration of substantial portions of Windsor Castle which had been partly destroyed by fire on Nov. 20 .
4 Across the road are the municipal gardens , formerly the site of the Convent of São Francisco which had a chapel lined with over 3,000 bones , mainly skulls and thigh bones , but no one seems to know exactly why .
5 Since the departure of Miss Harker he had become more surly than before and his drinking was on the increase .
6 He paused and the meeting observed a thirty-second silence in honour of Richard Fairley who had left the partnership a year previously for considerably more than a handful of silver , taking with him Regina Securities ' main reason for being interested in paying Yeo Davis 's bills .
7 The JLP annual conference , held on June 9-10 , 1990 , exposed further the dissatisfaction of some members of the party with the leadership of Edward Seaga which had surfaced after the party 's defeat in the municipal elections .
8 Of the vast number of Ayrshire people who have emigrated to Canada , the man who was most successful financially was Robert Dunsmuir ( 1825–89 ) who went from Hurlford to Vancouver Island and amassed a fortune from coal mining and other businesses ( See Chapter 31 ) but the man who did most towards the advancement of the new country was John Galt ( See Chapter 9 ) .
9 William of Normandy , in his mid-twenties , was already married to Matilda , the daughter of Baldwin of Flanders , flouting Pope Leo 's injunction , linking him not only to Lille and Bruges and Ghent , but to Tostig , the son of Earl Godwin who had married Judith of Flanders , Matilda 's aunt .
10 This has a clear relationship with Pius XI 's teaching , eight years earlier on the same subject : ‘ the very fountainhead from which the State draws its life , namely , wedlock and the family ’ ( 1929 : 14 ) , and with the dispositions of the then current Code of Canon Law which had come into effect in 1917 : ‘ The marriage of baptized persons is governed not only by divine law but also by church law .
11 The copy of Sartre Adient I had not got a chance to read took up a third of the brief case .
12 Now aged 15 and a hip hop devotee , in between school and modelling for the likes of Rifat Ozbek she has already launched her dancing career .
13 Among this year 's participants are : Richard Philp ( also exhibiting at Grosvenor House for the first time this year ) whose stand will include a portrait by Cornelis Johnson and a group of antiquities ; book dealer Nicholas Merchant of Harrogate who will have books on all aspects of European decorative and fine arts ; Brian Beet of Bond Street who has a rare Spanish-colonial gold snuff box made in Peru in the mid-eighteenth century ; numismatists A.H .
14 His thoughts were running north and west , up into Lochaber , the oakwoods and pinewoods at the foot of Loch Arkaig which had cradled him in his boyhood .
15 Riley , 59 , was a former two-term Governor of South Carolina who had initiated a sales tax to assist with the financing of the education of black children .
16 Part of this negative image may be attributed to the general British dislike of South Asians who had acquired some knowledge of English and who followed some Western customs , but who had not fully assimilated the values of an English gentleman .
17 The new space has been designed by Tim Molloy of Malone Design who has separated the gallery from the surrounding Chinese , Japanese and Chinese Export displays by manipulation of gallery lighting rather than obtrusive design elements .
18 Bob Cotton MHCIMA , public relations director of Gardner Merchant which has 20–30 Ministry of Defence contracts , reports that after the initial flurry of tenders , business has not expanded dramatically .
19 The 38-year-old Yorkshireman , who took up his appointment as Scotland 's director of cricket just over six months ago , will also lead the side in the enforced absence of Bruce Russell who has flu .
20 Although the most successful county in the District in demonstrating the effectiveness of a resident tutor through the considerable talents of Harold Shearman who had provided the building blocks for co-operative endeavour between the Cambridge Board and the WEA during the early thirties , the position began to change when he was succeeded by Harold Plaskitt as the university 's resident tutor in 1936 .
21 He 'd been down to the coke-cellar beneath the church , where the stage was stored , and with the assistance of Mr Peniket he 'd tried the curtains for size .
22 Mandy Rice-Davies and Christine Keeler 's revelations about the seamy underbelly of England 's public life rocked the government and effectively ended the Tory Party patriarchy : ‘ The upper-class … image of Mr Macmillan himself had acted as a catalyst for all the aggression that was to unleash the New England of Mr Wilson and the Beatles . ’
23 In the English translation from the French of her book entitled The Secret of Life and Youth Danièl Ryman — ex-pupil of Mme Maury who has continued her work for over 20 years — writes , ‘ Marguerite Maury possessed some of the eccentricities of genius … she was a veritable whirlwind of energy and enthusiasm , working ceaselessly until , quite literally , she died of sheer overwork , of a stroke during the night of 25 September , 1968 ’ .
24 Indeed , none of these statements , apart from two short but damning extracts from Zaidie 's statement which the prosecution put into evidence , came to light at all ( and consequently were not available to the Court of Appeal ) until 20 July 1990 , three days before the presentation of the petition for special leave to appeal , when they were furnished to the defendant 's advisers at the insistence of Mr. Guthrie who had by then been instructed on behalf of the Crown .
25 Also in December it was reported that secret trials of Beijing students who had participated in the protests had begun .
26 It is this disembodied grin that explains the source of Lewis Carroll 's image , for there used to be a special kind of Cheshire cheese which had a grinning feline face marked on one end of it .
27 A tragic loss was the death of Robin Gurdon who had been out with Zirnheld and Martin 's Free Frenchmen .
28 In Vietnam , other complaints centred on the lack of industrial development , the stranglehold of French companies and , especially , of the Banque de l'lndochine — a consortium of Paris banks which had a monopoly of banking services — but while one may say that the nature of colonial development or colonial repression in itself created the necessary conditions for revolution or national liberation , it is obviously time to consider how these , and other , factors influenced the forms of Vietnamese resistance .
29 As soon as he had received news of the death of Professor Khan he had requested a meeting with the Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council , at the Chairman 's earliest convenience .
30 She was walking home from a party in the early hours of Sunday morning she 'd stopped to use the toilets in St Giles when she was attacked …
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