Example sentences of "of [noun prp] 's [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 In spite of Hawke 's presence the number of enemy ships at Brest rose , within ten days , from 11 to 17 , as the French began the build-up to invasion .
2 In the end , however , and in spite of Acheson 's approval the policy Planning Staff paper ( PPS 51 ) remained , as Robert Blum puts it , a non-policy paper : for information rather than for action .
3 The 85-year-old Mrs Riddiford was left to gaze admiringly at photographs in the Welsh national newspaper The Western Mail which was full of Kylie 's triumph the morning after .
4 He became Curate also of Newton Heath in 1789 , and the Earl of Hardwick 's chaplain the following year .
5 In the case of many of Freud 's patients the disruption and debilitation caused by the symptoms was so extreme that they were scarcely able to carry on their lives adequately at all .
6 In spite of Schellenberg 's uniform the sentry checked their identities thoroughly before allowing them through .
7 The authorizing of a new ordination service for the clergy in 1550 was followed two years later by the appearance of a second Edwardian Prayer Book , and by the last months of Edward 's reign the country was officially Protestant .
8 However , in the absence of Beethoven 's manuscript the only reliable source of the transcription is the first edition of 1805 , where the passage is quite clearly in the minor throughout .
9 In the case of Chequer 's Buttress the key is a long , long reach left to a rounded ‘ break ’ on the arête , the security of a good crack on the right fading as commitment takes over .
10 And was n't the disciplined , self-denying spirit of Nietzsche 's Superman the finest expression of this high ideal ?
11 From A View of the Present State of Ireland 's perspective the civilised , the moral and the godly are equated .
12 Even at the time of Chlothar 's death the issue of the succession seems to have been undecided .
13 In an article in Figaro in 1978 Jean-Pierre Dujardin collected together the best-researched estimates of lives lost under communism : it was based on studies such as Robert Conquest 's classic analysis of Stalin 's purges The Great Terror , Professor Kuganov 's seminal study of liquidations based on a detailed demographic survey of Russia 's population between 1939 and 1959 and the detailed work done by Professor Richard Walker in a report commissioned by the U S Senate and published in 1971 .
14 Over the five years of TRANSAID 's operations the most recurring need has been to provide advice on transport management and control .
15 It so happened , entirely by coincidence , that Coghill lent Lewis a copy of Williams 's novel The Place of the Lion at precisely this moment .
16 It can hardly be pure coincidence that within three years of Kinsey 's appearance the limits of permissible sexual explicitness in the arts and entertainment had radically changed and with them the public image of the ideal woman as projected in , above all , films .
17 In the first months of Kennedy 's presidency the United States not only undertook a substantial arms build up , but also began to float new ideas in strategic doctrine , most notably Maxwell Taylor 's theory of flexible response .
18 During the course of their meeting , however , news arrived of Kennedy 's assassination the previous day , and what seems to have been primarily a personal initiative by the President was dropped .
19 For the first five years of Israel 's existence the Soviet Union likewise took a non-committal stance between Israel and its neighbours .
20 At the time of Mozart 's visit the kapellmeister was Ignaz Holzbauer ; the Abbé Vogler ( a noted musical theorist and rather second-rate composer ) was vice-kapellmeister and court chaplain ; while Cannabich was in charge of the orchestra .
21 While Gandhi 's understanding of the relation between Truth and ahi sā springs from his own cultural and religious tradition it was strengthened and corroborated by his reading of Tolstoy 's work The Kingdom of God Within You .
22 In the course of Yeltsin 's visit the two sides signed 24 joint statements , documents and memorandums of understanding in areas including military and technical co-operation , space exploration , nuclear energy development , border security and armed forces reduction , trade and economic co-operation and educational and scientific exchanges .
23 Yet he certainly taught the relativity of earthly authority , and even that by his bringing in of God 's kingdom the Mosaic law and Temple cult ceased to be final .
24 Following publication of Kimura 's paper the dichotic listening technique was taken up enthusiastically as a means of assessing language laterality in normal subjects .
25 From the sound of Summerchild 's voice the news is either surprisingly good or surprisingly bad .
26 The United States Secretary of State James Baker had previously announced that the Japanese contribution had been offered without precondition and would be used for military purposes , but within hours of Kaifu 's pledge the US State Department indicated that it had no objection to such a restriction .
27 TWO pillars of Lord 's advance the novel notion that cheating does n't matter .
28 In addition to the latest tapes by the Beatles , Joni Mitchell , Bob Dylan , Van Morrison and Neil Young , we took some reference books on shells , fishes and birds — and an 1890 edition of Wallace 's classic The Malay Archipelago .
29 By the time of Shuttleworth 's death the firm had manufactured 19,000 portable steam engines and 17,000 threshing machines , as well as finishing machines , straw and hay elevators , and portable grinding-mills .
30 At the time of Ayliffe 's retirement the Association had grown to sixty-five branches .
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