Example sentences of "of [noun prp] to [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The next day he motored to four miles south of Hereford to lunch with an old cousin , and the day after that he attended two funerals , both of ‘ old Worcestershire friends who died on Christmas Day ’ .
2 Mark bought an elephant , Tara , for £4000 and embarked on a 600 mile trek with five eccentric Indian companions , from Konarak on the shores of the Bay of Bengal to Sonepur by the mighty River Ganges .
3 They had to operate from a precariously-held line stretching 800 kilometres from Akyab on the Bay of Bengal to Ledo at the foot of the Tibetan mountains .
4 A UNIQUE patch of north London houses the very wealthy , from the Sultan of Brunei to millionaires from as far afield as Greece , Hong Kong and Nigeria .
5 It has been stoked primarily by Mr Alexander Rutskoy , the Russian vice-president , who has warned that it may be time to review Khrushchev 's gift of Crimea to Ukraine in 1954 , and by President Kravchuk , a Communist Party boss turned Ukrainian nationalist .
6 The third video Changing the shape of BBD — Focus on Staff was released in the middle of May to staff in BBD .
7 The recorded utterance of Barth to Ramsey at Amsterdam was , ‘ I am sorry you do not hate the Pope ’ .
8 In July the Earls of Northampton , Oxford , Pembroke and Devon together with Sir Hugh Despenser , Sir Richard Talbot and Sir Richard Stafford took an army to the duchy and put Charles of Blois to flight at the battle of Morlaix on 30 September , while in October the king himself embarked for Brittany , aware that part of the duchy had already been regained for the Montfort cause .
9 A 171-km canal link between the Main and the Danube in south-east Germany was opened on Sept. 25 ; it helped to create a 3,500-km continuous navigable waterway from the Netherlands North Sea port of Rotterdam to Constanza on Romania 's Black Sea coast .
10 The effect of a barrage or sea-wall being built from , say , Gibraltar Point just south of Skegness to Holme in Norfolk , would create a tide-free inland lake of approximately 400 square miles .
11 A team from the Centre assessed the route to be taken by Shell 's North Western Ethylene Pipeline to determine how archaeological sites close to its path — from Grangemouth on the Firth of Forth to Stanlow in Cheshire — might be affected by the proposed construction work and how potential damage might be mitigated .
12 The establishment of a permanent co-operation commission was announced at the end of the visit of President Chissano of Mozambique to Accra on April 4 , 1990 .
13 Closed from end of October to beginning of March .
14 His coils , sixty in number , are in operation from the southern tip of Tasmania to Queensland in the north of the Continent where farmers , aiming to improve their land , request his services .
15 The time had come to splash out to the tune of forty quid a head for the eight members of his party who had travelled with him from the Forest of Arden to Sussex by the Sea .
16 The appointment of Fyfe to Warrington in 1921 was , however , the exception rather than the rule in the 1920s when the majority of missioners appointed or holding the posts were clergymen or hearing persons .
17 Addition of the anti-E-cadherin antibody ECCD-1 into the binding assay reduced adhesion of LC to KC by 81 4% ( n =3 experiments ) ; equal amounts of anti-CD8 , anti-ICAM-1 and anti-Mac-1 antibody had no effect on LC binding ( Fig. 3 e ) .
18 There is a fearful crescendo in the messenger 's speech , such as we noted in the command of God to Abraham in Genesis 22.2 .
19 The poem sets out to justify the ways of God to men , and what little time is left me will be devoted to justifying the ways of god to men , and we must begin this , sorry we must begin this by a word on on the fall — the way of God the ways of God to men of course are punishing men for the fall .
20 And to justify the ways of God to men with such honesty , that is to say with such a complete account of what the price is which would have to be paid , is of course no longer to justify but to enact the actual conflict .
21 At the end of 1919 Lenin showed Russian indifference by offering virtually all of Belorussia to Poland in order to stave off a Polish offensive , but the most telling instance of Russia 's attitude had already occurred after the German withdrawal in December 1918 , when the Northwestern Regional Committee of the Russian Communist Party held a conference at Smolensk .
22 The relative openness of Bosnia to influences from Croatia in the north and from Serbia in the south and east facilitated invasion and conquest from Croats , Hungarians , Serbs , Macedonians , Byzantines and Turks .
23 Dowries could prove major blessings ; that brought by the heiress of Rennes to Hoël of Nantes transformed the otherwise weak count into a major landholder .
24 Awareness of the significance of PSD to competence in work , higher education and other life contexts and an ability to relate PSD provision to other areas of the student 's experience .
25 The Overseas Timetable is magical reading to the traveller , its tightly-packed pages tell the reader how to catch a train , bus or ship in about 8,300 places , from a frozen corner of Alaska to Zongo in Zaire .
26 But so wide are the left 's woes — in the past few years , they have affected socialist parties from Britain at one end of Europe to Greece at the other — that it is worth considering the possibility that something else is at work , too : the body of ideas that socialists used to represent has lost so much electoral support that socialist parties , at least in their old guise , are doomed .
27 There is no escape from it — that Damocles sword of a war on the first day of which all the chartered covenants of princes will be scattered like chaff : a race war which will subject the whole of Europe to devastation by fifteen or twenty million , and which is not raging already because even the strongest of the great military states shrinks before the absolute incalculability of its final result .
28 BNFL threw open the doors of THORP to members of the press earlier this month and reporters , cameramen and TV crews were invited by Ken Jackson , Director International Group , to ‘ get to the heart ’ of the plant before the start of active commissioning .
29 Having ascertained that she would , indeed , be forced to sell fifteen per cent of SUPPLYKITS to Adam for a token amount , she added , ‘ In that case , please rewrite my will and delete all reference to Adam Grant .
30 On the other hand the United States should not write off in advance certain parts of Asia to communism without examining what might or might not be done .
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