Example sentences of "of [pers pn] on [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , I could never be sure exactly what was required of me on these occasions .
2 Gon na ask you to do an exercise now er it 'll it 'll take us to four o'clock before we start talking about assertiveness what I 'm gon na ask you to do is in one , two three , one two in two twos and a three I want you to put on paper one side one sheet of paper to sum up all the things we 've done about communication so far today and it 's going to other people on this course , and it 's going to be marked by one of them on this course .
3 ‘ By the way , ’ Goreng said , ‘ there will be two of you on this parade . ’
4 If Cad had become aware of him on that occasion , as she soon would , when she became their go-between , she would have taken his attachment as her due : she counted the giving of delight as nothing for she accomplished it without intending it .
5 We have only a very limited amount of it on this planet , and to get the most from your life you need to fill it fruitfully .
6 She says she 's spent her life living modestly , as Eric wanted , but now she wants to blow a bit of it on some fun
7 A great fuss was made of us on that trip , according to my mother .
8 When you think that each person produces roughly 21 lbs of rubbish per day and there are 55 million of us on this island using non-returnable bottles and indestructible plastic containers , it is not difficult to imagine the mountains of refuse that we shall have to deal with somehow .
9 And that 's true , but it 's often forgotten that some of us on this side of the fence also play professionally — they say teachers are failed musicians and I suppose many people see music journalists as those not good enough even to teach !
10 Erm I 'm er rising to take the opportunity to sum up the debate er for those of us on this side of the house and to say that on this side of the house we do welcome these orders actually coming through , delayed though they are and er besmirched though they are by the usual examples of government incompetence in failing to send them to the scrutiny committee in the proper manner to allow the usual processes to take place but wi that 's par for the course these days .
11 There have been two of us on this morning .
12 I think the few of us on this list who have our reservations about Sgt Wilko are going to have to ‘ grin and bear it ’ , because in my opinion he 's going nowhere .
13 Queen Margaret stood at the head , the rest of us on either side .
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