Example sentences of "of [pers pn] and [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 That framework shapes the broad conditions in which they operate and more specifically lays down both what is expected of them and under what circumstances and with what resources they go about achieving those goals .
2 Revolutionary theories may be accepted or discarded , but least cognisance is at taken of them and of what preceded them .
3 Our passage continues a description of Titus Groan 's childhood as heir to the phantasmagorical mansion of Gormenghast : [ 19 ] Who are the characters ? ( 1 ) And what has he [ Titus ] learned of them and of his home since that far day when he was born to the Countess of Groan in a room alive with birds ? ( 2 ) .
4 There 's a good few people around this quarter afraid of you and of what you can do when you open your mouth .
5 So Adam and Eve they go and hide , but it 's not just Adam and Eve , but it 's every one of us , they 're just pictures , they 're representatives of you and of me , they are the federal head of the human race , and Paul with his writing in Romans three , and verse twenty three reminds us , and J B Phillips in his translation , he puts it like this he says every one has sinned , every one falls short of the beauty of God 's plan , that plan , that purpose that God had , not just for creation , not just for humanity in general , but for you as an individual , that purpose that God had , that beautiful plan , far better than you can could work out , out for yourself falling short of it , we 've marred it , we have n't come up to it , if that circle represented just as a diagram as a picture , God 's plan God 's beautiful plan for you and for me still a circle , but dented here , bashed in there
6 But if ‘ Be aware ’ requires me to be aware both of you and of myself both from your viewpoint and from mine , it requires me also to let myself be moved towards both your goals and mine , as a necessary condition of becoming aware from either viewpoint .
7 You needed to know what group you were in , who was in charge of that group , what the rules of attendance and work were , what was expected of you and by what criteria your work was going to be measured .
8 This forgiveness of her and of everyone had called up its opposite .
9 I feel for her , of her and in her .
10 He rose , slowly and mechanically , staring ahead of him and beyond me .
11 Please remember them in your prayers and ask God to guide them in the years to come , that they may continue to grow in love of him and of their neighbour .
12 You would have to be very sure of him and of yourself to know when he 's lying , and when he 's telling the truth .
13 Lancaster 's objections to the regime , however , were concerned just as much with domestic affairs : he criticized the queen for her greed and acquisitiveness , singling out for special mention her appropriation of the lordship of Pontefract which had been held by Earl Thomas in right of his wife , He complained that the treasure left by Edward II had been ‘ wastede and born away withouten the wille of Kyng Edwarde his sone , in destruccioun of him and of his folk ’ , and proposed that Mortimer ‘ shouldd dwelle oppon his owen landes ’ .
14 If we accept the authority of Jesus we may well accept the New Testament as the source of all our knowledge of him and of his teaching .
15 [ The ] social history of a person with respect to the attitudes of respect and contempt that others have of him and of his understandings of these attitudes .
16 He dreamed of it and of himself catching it ; imagining it lunging and threshing as he played it and tussled to land it .
17 Being uncomplicated , the riders tend not to take much notice of it and in their minds , they have already finished .
18 Leila 's father had somehow got to hear of it and in her case , of course , the consequences were worse .
19 Hypocrisy of this kind is familiar to us all , from our own practice of it and from our knowledge of it in others , whether real people or fictional characters , such as the puritan ministers in Ben Jonson 's The Alchemist .
20 Justin saw Adam as prefiguring Christ , Eve as a ‘ type ’ of Mary , and called the correspondences of Old and New Testament figures the principle of ‘ recapitulation ’ ; that was to say that redemption is not from the created order but of it and within it .
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