Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [pron] will [adv] " in BNC.

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1 However , the authors of WFP have not thought the matter through and have come up with a set of proposals which will simply divert attention away from the real agenda which does exist for NHS capital accounting .
2 In the majority of cases you will simply send the application form and use the completed forms as the means of eliminating the applicants who are clearly unsuitable .
3 However , the business reality , which must be recognised here , is that the exchanges in the battle may be purely reflex actions : the seller will send an acknowledgment including its standard terms as a matter of course , generally without reading the terms on the buyer 's order ; indeed , in order to win the battle of forms it will generally be good practice to ensure that all orders are acknowledged in this way .
4 Once you know this , you can establish a goal or a series of goals which will then give you a purpose for your studies .
5 Over billions of years it will slowly fizzle out to become a black dwarf .
6 In some ways , such horses are like certain breeds of dogs who will only accept one owner in their lifetime .
7 Terms have n't been finalised , but an an announcement is due in a couple of weeks which will likely see DEC bundle IXI 's X.desktop with its systems — the interface manager already runs across DEC 's entire range of platforms in any case .
8 In the case of surveys there will always be some form of pilot survey before the researcher commits himself to the main fieldwork itself , and the more planning there is done beforehand , the less wasted time there will be in the fieldwork proper , and the easier will be the next stage , which is the analysis of the data collected .
9 The definition of associate contained in the Code ( see para 1.2 above ) commences with a general description and then provides a list of persons who will normally be presumed to be associates .
10 They have made a host of friends who will greatly miss them .
11 Apart from this summit meeting of minds there will also be the chance for other boffins of the black and white board to take on past champion John Hegarty , who is challenging all comers .
12 Very often there are schools , just across the road , full of children who will very probably become unemployed when they leave because they will not be equipped to fill any of the jobs that are available .
13 Now , that is a terrible thing , because it means that whatever Mr Hussein has done , he has also in fact , written the death sentence for millions of children who will never have heard of him .
14 At the end of the investigation a copy is sent by the investigating officer to the chief officer of police who will also receive from the Police Complaints Authority a memorandum indicating whether they are satisfied with the investigation .
15 If you only have simple lists of results you will not notice the improvement .
16 This mounting crisis is due to ignoring the illegal actions of residents who will happily use Council services but refuse to pay for their Council services .
17 To the extent that completion of the SEM will encourage production activities to become more mobile , there are a series of factors which will also come to determine choice of location .
18 It is almost impossible to generalise about the sorts of disturbances which will necessarily reach back to affect the monetary sector and the flow of bank lending .
19 When Spurgeon opened Pastor 's College in 1856 some of the first pupils were illiterate but he insisted that his aim was to equip ‘ a class of ministers who will not aim at lofty scholarship , but at the winning of souls — men of the people ’ .
20 In that event , a hung parliament is bound to include large numbers of non-Congressmen who will shamelessly desert to Mr Gandhi , to be on the winning side .
21 It will contact your vehicle and remotely , initiate a chain of events which will ultimately bring the vehicle to a halt , enabling recovery .
22 In the normal course of events they will only be seen en masse after the Trooping of the Colour and on Christmas morning at Windsor ; and the wisdom passed from experienced staff to newcomers is never to put them on stage together .
23 But while the public library is fulfilling this immediate need , they are conscious of the long-term information needs of schoolchildren who will eventually require public library services as adults , and are conscious of the necessity of promoting the public library as a resource in its own right .
24 On a buy-in of shares there will not be the opportunity for Target to defer the payment of consideration to departing shareholders in a tax-efficient manner , whereas on an acquisition of Target by Newco there can be a share-for-debenture exchange as described in 5.2.4 above .
25 The main group of verbs which will both justify the singling out of some adjectival property of the entity behind the object phrase , and which , moreover , have a lexical value such that this adjectival property will be understood to apply to the object in some way especially relevant to the meaning of the verb are , as we have indicated , verbs which include the notion of a change of state .
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