Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [verb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Relying on visual depictions of files and increasingly powerful databases , it will , he says , eliminate the ‘ maintenance backlog ’ — the snowballing set of improvements required for existing programmes .
2 Even more horrifying was a recent report aired on CBS which told of Panamanians searching for missing relatives and finding several mass graves containing at least 4,000 people .
3 In addition the king gave £1,000 for the liberation of prisoners confined for small debts in Scotland , and another £1,000 for those in Ireland .
4 For testing substantive hypotheses Galtung considers a sample of forty perfectly acceptable ( the criterion being the minimum number of cases required for statistical tests to be applicable ) .
5 At Winfrith , a range of skills developed for nuclear modelling and inspection were adapted for use by the offshore oil industry .
6 Because of the higher picture quality , Super VHS ( and , to a lesser extent , Super VHS-C ) , has become a semi-pro premium format for the origination of recordings intended for post-production editing onto a copy tape .
7 Black boxes refer to location of probes used for indirect end labelling .
8 The downturn in business in a wide variety of sectors called for outstanding management talent in order to regenerate British industry .
9 Greater peace could be found on a boating pond in Regent 's Park than at the populated end of poor Loch Morar in summer , with speed boats raping its once enigmatic waters and queues of cars waiting for senior citizens in their caravans to unblock the single track road where they have parked in a passing place to brew up a cuppa .
10 This is a celebration of Puccini in trivial mood , a collection of songs written for odd occasions at odd moments through his career .
11 But as there would be a saving of £1,000,000 for the values of rents paid for existing offices , the total cost of the scheme would be £1,500,000 .
12 We believe this is particularly important given the scale and visual impact of buildings erected for economic development purposes .
13 Speaking on behalf of the European Communities ( EC ) , the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary Douglas Hurd said on Sept. 22 that the EC would support Boutros-Ghali 's proposal for a peacekeeping reserve fund , adding that at end-August EC member countries had provided 40 per cent of contributions collected for various peacekeeping operations since the end of the last General Assembly .
14 Liberal democracies always manifest signs of the first phase , as proletarian organizations try to overcome racial or ethnic divisions , to persuade a large majority of workers to push for radical change , and to counter the strong efforts made by capitalists and the state to maintain or accentuate existing divisions within their ranks .
15 Book committee day was Wednesday ( later moved to Tuesday ) , when the board would lunch together and spend the afternoon discussing the week 's business : considering written reports , commenting upon manuscripts received , arguing about the merits of ideas proposed for new books , and so on .
16 A series of holes allows for different window sizes .
17 As emigration became a flood of families leaving for new lands in the 19th century , many towns and villages formed Emigration Societies in which people intent on leaving came together to plan and to save money for their departure .
18 The NHS has traditionally recruited large numbers of learners to compensate for high wastage rates from the profession .
19 This was done very effectively in the late seventies in campaigns by Whitbread , who ran a series of ads asking for public comments on a number of propositions about the law affecting pubs and licensing ; and subsequently by the major banks , who ran a joint campaign partly designed to deter the threat of nationalization — a campaign which attracted many thousands of replies from the public .
20 There was an inevitable lack of interest when rabbit stocks fell after myxomatosis , and after a very short time there was a corresponding fall in the number of ferrets retained for sporting purposes .
21 It is clear from reports of children 's progress that at present there is , for many , no easy progression from the simpler language and narrative line of stories written for inexperienced readers .
22 Developers of big blocks of flats designed for successful young people in and around the big cities and for wealthy pensioners in Florida and California are worried .
23 In 1774 he published An Account of the Rise , Progress and Present State of the Society for the Discharge and Relief of Persons Imprisoned for Small Debts .
24 It was the beginning of the funds of The Society for the Relief of Persons Confined For Small Debts , which James Neild , a Londoner jeweller , had founded in February 1772 .
25 In that year the secretary of the Society for the Relief of Persons Confined for Small Debts received a letter from Spencer Perceval the Prime Minster ( who was later to be assassinated by a bankrupt , John Bellingham ) to say that His Majesty had graciously given orders to present The Thatched House Society with £2,000 from his private purse .
26 It is therefore in the interests of bureaucrats to go for increased staffing levels as a means of constructing such coalitions , and the implications of this clearly point to increased waste and inefficiency , since , having bid for a maximum budget , within that budget , instead of adopting the most efficient form of production and delivery of services , ‘ bureaucrats ’ can be expected to choose the most labour-intensive .
27 For : Comprehensive range of features designed for serious business use .
28 On the international front Bill Widdis , director of systems development at the stock exchange , is wary of arguments calling for full transnational integration of share clearing systems .
29 There is a concentration of specialised services and a higher proportion of admissions occur for elective treatments and through A&E than emergency GP referral .
30 These reports , however , were based mainly on small groups of patients studied for short periods of time .
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