Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [adv] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 The tabby a couple of houses away on the other side is a cheeky sod and was due a lesson next time I found him walking around like he owned the place .
2 It has been this policy of screening tenants over the decades before the main sale of council houses was pushed through by the Government that has resulted in the buying of houses largely on the best estates , and has helped to reinforce the emergence of the ghetto in many areas of Britain .
3 While on the subject of working at a depot we only find out about ‘ offers ’ either through the Journal , press or during shopping time so savings are also possibly lost when staff who work in the stores can take advantage of multi-buys etc on a regular basis .
4 Cos you see if you put your ace down , ace of clubs right on the top and I put the rest of the clubs , put it down
5 The variety was so wide that no generalisations can be made , except to note a lack of books explicitly on the description of language .
6 a couple of sessions purely on the actual , no public speaking that 's right , it was actually public speaking rather than
7 A MAN said a silent prayer of thanks yesterday on the third anniversary of his heart transplant for the anonymous donor who gave him his life .
8 Thousands of tonnes of rock and ice poured off the mountain travelling almost four miles , cutting a gash two miles wide and landing thousands of feet below on the Tasman Glacier , a popular tourist spot .
9 Individuals may at various points in their lives experience discrimination in the allocation of resources either on the ground of being too old or too young .
10 The probability of selecting the original address had been proportional to the number of electors originally on the register ; this was a sensible procedure if the number of electors had not changed .
11 In subsequent analysis , therefore , all responses from individuals at addresses which had changed electors were weighted by the number of adults at the address divided by the number of electors originally on the register for that address .
12 His crisp jabbing had Gary Newton of Teams instantly on the defensive , and Exley followed up with tremendous hooks that had Newton down three times in the first round before the referee stepped in .
13 ‘ … the extent of the establishment is but barely sufficient for the exigencies of the County , and it can not be contended that it is on too large or extravagant a scale ; the number of patients constantly on the books of the Infirmary ; the high reputation which it has justly acquired under the excellent management of the medical and other officers belonging to it ; the strict economy which to the general satisfaction of the Governors has been observed in the ordinary expenditure of the House … call forcibly upon the County at large to hold out a protecting hand to save it from ruin which appears inevitably to have waited , if not averted by our timely interference . ’
14 It invariably turns out that an operator makes a series of decisions partly on the basis of what is currently displayed ( on-line information ) and partly on the basis of other material obtained from his knowledge of the system performance , his briefing and his operating instructions ( off-line information ) .
15 We 're also committed to tenant participation and er we 've done a couple of exercises already on the scheme and we 've secured some funding from the housing corporation to employ Anglian Design on our behalf with the the housing association er , to involve the tenants as fully as possible in the er , development process .
16 It predicts that , despite tougher standards for new cars , the problem is likely to increase for some years to come , largely as a result of a lack of any controls over the emissions of vehicles already on the road .
17 But as you know the Save The Children is just one development organisation and with limited resources , so a major part of our task is to use our influence and authority to press for change on a wider scale by keeping the issues of poverty and inequality and of children firmly on the international agenda .
18 The form , in fact , was one beloved of prosecutors both on the screen and in literature .
19 Because he was on the spot , and had established a surprising , and surely almost heretical , chain of friendships there on the border , he thought he knew better than these older and cooler heads in London .
20 A couple of miles further on the massive cylindrical cooling towers to Richborough Power Station emitted a faint breath of steam .
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