Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [prep] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 Liberal pique over what they felt was inadequate consultation and personal rivalry between the leaders of the parties were seen by some as the most potent causes of the rift , but the official reason which the Liberals , the junior partners in the coalition , gave was their objection to the ending of tax deductions for car commuters and the raising of taxes on petrol and diesel fuel .
2 Apart from direct demands relating to pay and conditions for teachers , demands included : recognition of the professional status of teachers ; establishment of a technical commission on the financial needs of the Ministry of Public Education ; policies to defend the social welfare system ; elimination of taxes on books and educational materials ; and funding for student transport and school meals .
3 Whereas the American Constitution guaranteed that ‘ Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech or of the press ’ as early as 1791 , the British State continued to regulate the press through a variety of taxes on paper and advertising until the mid-1850s .
4 Measures included ( i ) the elimination of taxes on fuel and gas oils and on kerosene ; ( ii ) extended tax rebates for exporters , calculated to be worth between US$670,000,000 and US$1,100 million per annum ; ( iii ) the reduction of the highest import tariff from 35 per cent to 20 per cent ; ( iv ) tariff increases for many intermediate industrial products , but the maintenance at zero of the minimum import tariff , which applied to fuels and capital goods not domestically produced ; and ( v ) a " temporary " increase , from 3 to 10 per cent , in a statistics tax levied on nearly all imports .
5 The researcher 's work on the effects of taxes on individuals and households draws heavily on the government 's Family Expenditure Survey .
6 The main points were ( i ) a tax of 0.3 per cent on financial transactions ( ITMF ) , in force until 1994 , but not applying to wage cheques , pension payments and popular savings accounts ; ( ii ) to fight tax evasion an instruction to banks to report in specific cases and at the Finance Minister 's request all movements of individuals ' and companies ' accounts ; ( iii ) the simplification of the tax system with the elimination of three social contributions and their replacement by valued added tax ( VAT ) of between 7 and 10 per cent ; ( iv ) the elimination of taxes on manufactured products , fuel sales and additional income , and their replacement by a selective tax ( the rate of which had yet to be specified ) on cars , alcoholic drinks , fuels , electricity and telecommunications ; ( v ) the elimination of the separate collection of taxes by state and municipal governments and another by municipal government , so that all taxes ( except the ITMF ) would be collected by the federal government and shared with the states and municipalities , expected to produce a real increase in their revenues of 9 and 17 per cent respectively ; and ( vi ) a ban on the contracting of fresh debts by the Federal District , states and the municipalities until the year 2000 .
7 It takes its structure from a set of correspondences between elements and persons , and the old definition of temperament as a mixture of qualities is present to the reader 's mind — the same definition that permits us to think of Faussone as a part of Levi , or as his alter ego .
8 The rather weary drawing of parallels between animals and instances of human retardation diverts attention from their true source of value to us .
9 INDIA has imposed a curfew on the capitals of states of Meghalaya and Mizoram .
10 A clash of values between north and south should not be allowed to result in second-class rights for the poor
11 The system allows us to establish ranges of values for fields and then codes the data accordingly .
12 In each case , first work out a table of values for x and y .
13 At the same time these avenues depend for their inspiration on a more abstract set of values of community and democracy which can be found in political theory .
14 The best way of dealing with it , perhaps , is to draw parents into a prevailing set of values about intelligence and humanity on the grounds of an ‘ equal partnership , that is spurious and reinforces the attitudes underlying segregation .
15 We can put a put loads of daffs down middle and , you can put a
16 The ‘ magazine ’ was a collection of photocopies of drawings and slogans that could be found on any underpass on the estate .
17 Psychic potential is a socially specific concept , however , unlikely to escape the influence of discourses of gender and other social relations .
18 In this way , they manage to give a picture of how the structural ambiguities of discourses of gender and the individual subject intersect .
19 An appreciation of contradiction , ambivalence and context , combined with a sensitivity to the variability of discourses among teachers and their practices also puts into question simplistic models of the process whereby ( uncontradictory ) teacher stereotypes of black pupils are supposedly translated into discriminatory practices that lead to unequal outcomes .
20 In response to the news coverage of the disorder , she sent telegrams to both the BBC and the ITA asking them to ‘ please consider whether the massive television coverage of acts of vandalism and violence is contributing to the spread of the riots ’ .
21 Dyson printed nothing else , but he collaborated in the 1633 revision of John Stow 's Survey of London — an edition that included many copies of Acts of Parliament and of the common council of London .
22 Of more direct relevance to the thesis of this paper is the association of acts of violence and aggression , both material and mystical , with forces external to the society .
23 The pressures of acts of God and war produced their own troubles ; agricultural poverty found itself pressed with increasingly heavy taxation and baronial exactions from a monarchy and feudal lords anxious to recoup their losses and being none too scrupulous about their methods .
24 The first meeting of the Joint Committee of Experts of Bangladesh and India agreed in New Delhi on Nov. 20 to resume negotiations on sharing river waters between the two countries [ see also p. 38913 ] .
25 This collaboration between DEC and ACRI will play a key role in building a competitive high performance computing infrastructure in Europe as reflected in the European Commission 's recent Rubbia Report ’ — the European Commission asked Professor Carlo Rubbia to chair a committee of experts from industry and public research laboratories to assess Europe 's standing with respect to high performance computing and networking .
26 It involved about a dozen groups and a network of experts throughout Europe and is the largest future study of biotechnology that I am aware of .
27 Possibly inspired by Hilbert 's ( 1899 ) full axiomatisation of Euclidean geometry the 20th Century began with many attempts to find independent sets of axioms for fields and for groups , the main worker being E V Huntington around 1902–5 .
28 We did not object this without evidence of reasons for objection and we 've been in disc discussion with the erm American miners .
29 The development of purchasers must include a requirement that providers examine the appropriateness of all prescribing ( including the price differential of products in secondary and primary care ) and that discharge and outpatient recommendations are for a therapeutic group , rather than specific products .
30 It involves constant disturbances of equilibrium ( disappearance of products in consumption and deterioration ) and a constant re-establishment of equilibrium ( the products reappear ) ; but this re-establishment is always on the old basis .
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