Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Britain has the second highest level of taxes on alcohol in the EC and many are suffering as a result , ’ she said .
2 I am referring the matter to your local collector of taxes for consideration of recovery proceedings .
3 In his absence the regents made concessions to the magnates in return for grants of taxes in aid of the war with Scotland .
4 The Collector of Taxes in Glasgow in 1831 was one Blair , and the Loyal Reformers ' Gazette , a radical publication of the time , has a letter addressed to him in the following terms :
5 The conclusion is self evident — if the Chancellor wants to maintain the real value of excise duties from alcoholic drinks he must switch the burden of taxes from spirits to beers and wines .
6 They enjoy or suffer the unequal distribution of rewards in society as members of different social groups .
7 The expedient of the withholding of manifestations of love from the very young child amounts to the instilling of the first tiny measure of fear , and fear , used in conjunction with reward provides the fundamental tools which the adult population must have if it is to maintain steady progress towards the civilisation it desires .
8 This would take the steam out of the refugee crisis and help us on towards the relaxed and variegated community of states across Europe as a whole which is likely to be the real guarantee of security .
9 These rules must have that generality and universality which make them ingredients in impartial determinations and sufficient precision and bite to be used in making genuine resolutions of disputes , for instance , over territory ; second , the extension of the role and jurisdiction of juridically sound international courts on the model of the International Court of Justice , to which there will be compulsory reference of disorder endangering disputes to be decided by the application of the relevant set of reformed international laws , and the decisions of which would be mandatory with no reservations permitted ; 4 third , the massive extension of non-coercive jural agencies in the area of enforcement where this is taken to mean the monitoring of the behaviour of states in relation to international law and the decisions of international courts .
10 Clearly , the operations of TNCs contribute significantly to globalization and also reduce the autonomy of states in terms of economic policy .
11 This debate has wider implications for the study of political science since it emphasised major features of the process of governmental decision-making — the plurality of values of participants in policy-making , the plurality of actors involved , the emphasis upon perceptions rather than ‘ objective interests ’ and the fact that policy outcomes seldom reflect the values and preferences of one group .
12 Consider the importance of values in terms of culture and job .
13 Thus , in a cumulative response , consensus , dissensus and , possibly , conflict of opinions on matters concerning the management of change and on curriculum theories in action , could be examined between and within the different groups .
14 But behind the vast explosion of discourses on sexuality since the eighteenth century there is no single unifying strategy , valid for the whole of society .
15 This contradictory fidelity to and departure from methodological rigour undermines the already dubious self-sufficiency of discourses of psychology as a science .
16 But so far , the feminist psychology of androgyny has only dealt with the power of discourses of gender in its self-criticisms , not in its investigations , where it continues to address femininity and masculinity on equal terms .
17 In this paper we describe a suite of programs for building the physical map of a genome , using data of hybridisations of probes onto unordered clone libraries .
18 In the day-to-day life of a legal system its rule of recognition is very seldom expressly formulated as a rule ; though occasionally , courts in England may announce in general terms the relative place of one criterion of law in relation to another , as when they assert the supremacy of Acts of Parliament over other sources or suggested sources of law .
19 Apart from these various policies of positive discrimination for deprived areas , a series of Acts of Parliament during the 1960s and 1970s sought to strengthen the rights of workers against unfair dismissal , the rights of tenants against unfair eviction , and the rights of immigrants and women against discrimination in the areas of employment , finance , housing , etc .
20 The distinction between direct and mediated violence is one of importance , not just because of the mechanical advantage achieved by the mediation of acts of violence through instruments of various sorts , but because an intention to act violently can be indicated by the display of the weapons .
21 The agreement , based on the discussions of a tripartite committee of experts in Nairobi on Feb. 12-15 , identified a number of areas of co-operation including political , economic , social and border security .
22 In fact , for a number of reasons including changes in the market situation of managers ( in terms of narrowing pay differentials and perceived increases in job insecurity ) together with the more ready conceding of union recognition for those employed in the public sector of the economy , managerial unionism increased markedly in Western Europe during the 1970s .
23 To the extent that this is so , there is room for a doctrine of reasons of state in political action .
24 Giving of reasons for decisions of a licensing board
25 In such cases the Court of Justice has held that the requirements of Article 190 are satisfied if the statement of reasons given explains in essence the measures taken by the institutions and that a specific statement of reasons in support of all the details which might be contained in such a measure can not be required , provided such details fall within the general scheme of the measures as a whole .
26 A number of large and efficiently run workshops made a wide range of products for use in the centre and for sale in nearby towns .
27 ICL Plc has re-appointed Cray Communications Ltd as an accredited supplier : Cray first started supplying ICL with modems and KMX low-end multiplexers in 1988 , and now supplies ICL 's Network Product Division with a range of products for use by the ICL sales force .
28 This is a result of that historical process by which , through new media such as printing , material goods have been created with cumulative effect ; as a result of this powerful force for cultural production , the present generation has inherited a vast accretative mass of products in terms of which it is expected to know itself .
29 The large , multinational chemical company that is the subject of Case 1 had facilities in over eighty countries and produced a variety of products from pharmaceuticals to heavy chemicals .
30 GEC , under the guidance of Lord Weinstock , built itself up into the largest manufacturing employer in the UK , producing a wide range of products from telecommunications to defence electronics .
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