Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun pl] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 At the end of last year , Ian Fulton of Technical Services and his friend Sean Elvin took a lorry containing 14 tons of aid to Croatia .
2 The pilot , who survived , gave no indication of technical problems as he came in to land .
3 I was a little concerned though when the makers of ‘ MiniMag ’ asked what experience she 'd had of articulated vehicles and she replied , ‘ I 've spent my life driving Daddy 's horse-boxes . ’
4 Well there 's a whole range of kind of wacky ideas that we 'll be working on .
5 That might seem like the wackiest of wacky ideas but it becomes ever more fascinating as it is explored in a barrage of speculation , invective and anecdotes , all designed to prove that money , in a practical rather than puritanical sense , is the root of all evil .
6 Teachers felt that this text offered them many opportunities for the development of the understanding of parental roles and it was thought to be a book from which all sorts of related topic work could be derived .
7 As Provincial Editor I handled correspondents ’ news reports from more than a score of outlying communities and our Times-Herald ‘ reporter ’ for the Briercrest area was a Mrs Edna Jacques .
8 There were outdoor tennis courts , which were a quarter the cost of indoor ones and you did n't get the smoke , and also two boules alleys , or pitches , or whatever they 're called .
9 He goes on to explain that this change was fundamental to the development of Combined Operations as he was then able to order the ships and craft , and requisition bases among the other resources controlled by the Minister of Defence ( Winston Churchill ) .
10 There are some areas of medical activity whose beneficiaries are almost invariably of advanced years and whose practitioners could thereby be claimed to favour older citizens .
11 Durkheim had little difficulty in employing this material to demonstrate how beliefs in the mystical powers of animals and other ‘ totemic ’ forces reflected the structure of Aboriginal hordes and their component divisions .
12 The 210 children have taken up the panto 's challenge and sought the advice of professional builders so they can construct Wendy 's house in brick in their school yard .
13 European Community Directive 89/48/EEC , which is concerned with the mutual recognition of professional qualifications and which comes into force throughout the Community in January 1991 , has already been implemented by the UK , as regards teachers , with effect from September 1989 .
14 Christians are no more immune to the subtle influences of prejudiced attitudes than they are exempt from inclinations towards selfishness , greed or envy .
15 Ethanol induced lysosomal fragility may permit release of lysosomal proteases and their subsequent contact with digestive enzymes , thereby predisposing the pancreas to autodigestion .
16 Ollier ( 1988 ) discusses the various types of volcanic products and their associated landforms in some detail .
17 A dream of the City sliding down into the maw of chaos ; of dear friends and their children dead , and of the darkness to come .
18 However , in the investigators ' study of deaf mothers and their infants they have begun to see that the mothers create the crucial joint reference naturally but differently by altering their own sign language .
19 GERRY ADAMS last night discounted the anger and embarrassment of Labour leaders as he used a party conference fringe meeting to defend IRA terrorism , including the bomb attack on the Royal Marines at Deal , Kent .
20 Labour wants to hide behind it , to disguise the incompetence and extravagance of Labour authorities and their lack of an alternative .
21 It is clear from the remarks of Labour Members that they do not like change , even though they have no ideas about what should be done to improve the education system .
22 Going into the big general waiting room , Daisy no longer noticed the many photographs of grateful animals and their owners which decorated the walls , most of them signed with fulsome messages indicating every degree of gratitude .
23 The owner of a couple of narrow boats and his crew are at a great disadvantage when pitted against such competitors as , shall we say , Mr Evans , the Goods Manager of the Midland Railway .
24 In each crypt column — that is the single column of epithelial cells lining one side of a sectioned crypt meeting the criteria — the total number of cells and the number of labelled cells and their position in the crypt column relative to the base of the crypt were noted .
25 FIGURE 6.1 The influence of monetary shocks and their volatility .
26 It was strange music , full of strange sounds that he knew he could n't hope to understand .
27 The nightmares and perception of strange smells that we shall see in our more modern writers were as prevalent in mediaeval times : ‘ He dremyth dredful dremes of derknesse and ferdfull to se , and of stynkynge sauoure and smelle . ’
28 Looms are most frequently indicated by loom-weights , annular in form , for weighing down the warp threads on upright looms ; they are occasionally found in rows in the base of sunken buildings where they may have fallen or been taken off the loom , or originally stacked in a column .
29 Under Labour , people in a house worth £200,000 must pay five times as much as people living in a £40,000 house , regardless of regional disparities or anything else .
30 The radio section of this year 's selection process has been considerably expanded to recognise the contribution of regional stations and there will be a special award for the station judged to be the best in each of the four provinces .
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