Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun sg] [that] the " in BNC.

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1 When the time comes , as it certainly will , for a Labour Government to introduce quite a lot of progressive legislation that the country desperately needs , I have no doubt that the right hon. Gentleman and his right hon. and hon. Friends will wish to oppose it .
2 Above all , however , it was perhaps in the field of economic planning that the failure of the planning movement to fulfil its ambition is most clear .
3 In fact , Stevens ( 1991 ) argues that it is just because devaluation does not work as an instrument of economic policy that the argument for a single currency is made more powerful .
4 It was during this period of political passivity that the middle class and petit bourgeoisie , with the tacit approval of the local industrial bourgeoisie , cemented an alliance in the movement toward incorporation of West Ham .
5 The third element of European policy that the Leader of the Opposition accused us of ignoring was regional policy .
6 In contrast , the average tax rate is the percentage of total income that the government takes in income tax .
7 Does my right hon. Friend agree that it was only by a consistent and credible policy of multilateral disarmament that the collapse of communism was eventually assured ?
8 One can not be certain , in such circumstances , that a court of law would meekly accept a general return to a writ in the face of clear knowledge that the House was , in effect , seeking to usurp the role of Parliament itself .
9 The building of a hotel and golf course as well as an extra 30 corporate hospitality boxes at Lingfield was the sort of commercial diversification that the Muddles see as a prerequisite to transforming racecourses into the nice little earners they should be .
10 The SURPRISE ministerial announcement last weekend to allow mining close to the Vale of Belvoir in Leicestershire means that the plan for a new pit at Ashfordby will get the green light before the contentious issue of where to put the mounds of unsightly spoil that the pit will produce has been settled .
11 … but in my opinion there can not be a general rule of universal application that the rules of the courts of equity as to confidential relationships necessarily apply to the relation of husband and wife .
12 The War Altar is a source of raw magic that the Grand Theogonist can draw on by using the Staff of Command , enabling him to cast spells .
13 Perhaps this debate wo n't be as lively and er as controversial as the one that er we arranged to have on the question of insider dealing but it is an important matter because auditing as I said , is not just as assistance to companies but it is a reassurance to the general public and the public at the moment are in need of grave reassurance that the insur that the er the financial services industry as well as industry generally , is being properly looked after and for these reasons er although we support er the orders before er the house tonight , we have no hesitation at all in ensuring that they are debated properly than not something that should simply go through on the nod .
14 Irrespective of the immense problems posed by the preservation of electronic record that the traditional archives are now having to face , it would be wrong to claim that many of these problems are entirely new or unchallenged .
15 And it was against this backcloth of public concern that the Spanish Civil War began on the 19 July 1936 .
16 Successive reforms failed to end patronage and to establish the sort of professional , rationally organized state bureaucracy loyal to the notion of public service that the Northcote-Trevelyan reforms made possible in Britain .
17 ‘ ( 1 ) The ex turpi causa defence ultimately rests on a principle of public policy that the courts will not assist a plaintiff who has been guilty of illegal ( or immoral ) conduct of which the courts should take notice .
18 It was of public importance that the issue should be resolved because many other cases were ‘ in the pipeline ’ .
19 It is in the field of editorial content that the Great and Good of independent television have exercised their most direct influence .
20 Yet judicial scrutiny has been expressly excluded : first by denying the courts the power to question decisions of the Tribunal , and secondly and more importantly by denying the courts the power to refuse to admit evidence obtained as a result of illegal or improper interceptions. ( a ) The exclusive jurisdiction of the Tribunal It is a general principle of English law that the decisions of inferior tribunals ( such as social security appeal tribunals , industrial tribunals , or immigration appeal tribunals ) should be the subject of appeal to the higher courts .
21 But the second games started , Merton would move , striding like a supermarket trolley attendant into the ring and ignoring all the ‘ rules ’ of improvisational comedy that the other clever-clever types had been carefully developing for the previous few years .
22 When a constable gives directions to a tourist , for example , or rescues a stranded cat from a tree , he is performing the sort of social service that the police are nowadays expected to undertake .
23 The procedure would be to identify discrepancies between the extent to which women are studied in each subject-area , and their actual role in the sphere of social life that the subject-category represents .
24 Britain was comparatively slow in acquiring a welfare state by comparison with some other societies , notably Germany , and it is in the context of this struggle to achieve a more adequate provision of social welfare that the early uses of social surveys in Britain must be understood .
25 The relationship between disability and handicap is rather more complex as this is related to the physical environment , the availability of helpers and the kinds of social role that the individual is expected to fulfil .
26 It is into this cycle of social distress that the counselling process seeks to break .
27 How typical it is of British government that the barrage dream should be allowed to dribble on and then left to fizzle out .
28 It is the particular genius of British politics that the major parties have always managed to hold on to their respective extremists and so to draw their teeth .
29 And it certainly does not explain why those spaces of cultural criticism that the left does control — in the ‘ core ’ journals — should be so critically and politically inarticulate .
30 It was a matter of real concern that the divisional court , exercising the power of judicial review , was increasingly … being used for political purposes superficially dressed up as points of law .
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