Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun sg] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 For Naville , given his Marxist theoretical perspective , this visible autonomy sweeps aside the veil and reveals the nature of the existing patterns of hierarchical organisation in their true light — as patterns that are socially , and not technologically , determined .
2 A spokesman for one of the giant supermarket chains stocking Turtle food , says as far as they 're concerned , there 's plenty of nutritional value in their pizzas .
3 Seedlings may not survive because of extensive damage to their roots .
4 The award used to denote hotels considered to be of outstanding merit within their classification .
5 It serves as a dual purpose : it performs a musicological service by presenting us with an intelligently planned selection of the kind of harpsichord music current in the Germany in which the young Bach grew up , and it also lets us hear several composers of outstanding merit in their own right .
6 But it is disingenuous for academics to pretend that they can participate in such discussion on terms of complete equality with their students , for there are questions of power and authority involved ; at the end of the day , grades and marks , assessing and examining , come into the picture .
7 The elevation of their leaders ' wives to positions of political power in their own right happened more and more often by the 1970s , but it was not well regarded even in countries where the wife was not like Elena Ceauşescu in combining arrogance , brutality , stupidity and self-confidence .
8 It is for this reason that many experts prefer the expression " Islamic textile art " when describing oriental rugs , despite the fact that many of the items covered by this description will certainly have been woven by non Muslims and possess no trace of Islamic symbolism in their compositions .
9 He repeated the opening question out loud , fingerspelling each word with an occasional supportive sign , breaking away for the sake of legalistic accuracy from their usual curtailed and compressed flow of pure communication .
10 Many of the sheriffships were also heritable offices , which again conferred powers of private patronage upon their holders where this had not been specifically reserved to the Crown , and a great magnate who had inherited a small empire of such judicial rights had considerable powers of influence in his region , both from the offices themselves and the opportunities which they gave to oblige friends , and from the powers of the courts , for regalian jurisdiction was extended over the possessions of landowners who held their estates as the vassals of the magnate .
11 Hewitt ( 1986 ) observes that " black youngsters themselves often reach a peak of Creole use in their late teens " ( p. 193 ) while where white Creole users are concerned , " most youngsters who employ Creole cease to do so at about the age of sixteen " .
12 If you were going to do , if you decided you wanted to do research on gypsies and , you yourself , a lot of gypsies er , and you decide th the best way to do it is to which gives a kind of subjective insight to their own lifestyle and thinking .
13 Some 47% were in the category of Mystified Manunsure about their role in feeding and about their role as a father .
14 Woolly alder aphids are so named because they produce clumps of woolly wax from their bodies .
15 The likelihood of Britain having to meet her obligations in the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula increased in step with the raucousness of Radio Cairo 's ‘ The Voice of the Arabs ’ , adjuring all true followers of Islam to oust every vestige of European colonialism from their lands .
16 … settled on the lowest common denominator of European life as their vehicle — the nuclear family .
17 I like , too , like very much , like a drowning person likes the feel of solid ground on their delirious tide-washed body .
18 Now they wear little except shorts and light rubber-soled pumps and hold on to vertical cliff walls like flies with a combination of sticky powder on their fingers , the faith of an Indian fakir , and tons of hardware in the shape of bolts , runners and slings hammered into the rocks .
19 Curiously , when you ask them how they would react to deletion of the procedure of inviting criticism of their draft reports from the regulations , their response is along the lines of : ‘ If we were not required to do it we would probably carry out a similar course of action unofficially in order to ensure that we had not missed an important point . ’
20 The past decade has seen a major increase in the number of aspiring musicians wishing to incorporate the rigours and discipline of formalised training into their playing .
21 The Zionists used the pretext of divine approval in their past history for their invasions .
22 Farm workers appreciate the status involved in working with the biggest or newest piece of agricultural equipment in their district and take an almost proprietorial interest in the purchases of their employer .
23 There must be some movement of fresh air for their health 's sake and to prevent condensation , which can create a damp atmosphere and in some cases wall fungus .
24 European movements of national liberation were the most important forms of popular rebellion during their lifetime , but the intellectual atmosphere of mid-nineteenth-century London as well as their own convictions made it seem that nationalism was a temporary phase , and that internationalism was the norm , or at least the force that would grow most powerfully in the future .
25 Cummins believes that minority students are ‘ empowered ’ or ‘ disabled ’ as a result of direct interaction with their teachers .
26 Few MPs are willing to risk antagonizing those upon whose electoral favour they depend , especially where there are no immediately apparent benefits to be earned by the espousal of penal policies in the way that policy changes in health , housing , social security , education and the environment can be of direct benefit to their constituents .
27 For what we have also to notice is that in some of the most advanced technologies — in one sector video and new kinds of print reproduction ; in another sector common-carrier types of transmission , such as cable and teletext opportunities for some significant recovery of direct access to their means of production , for some modern kinds of cultural producer , either exist or can be realistically looked for .
28 Protected by regiments of spearmen , High Elf archers are amongst of the most decisive troops in the army , unleashing deadly volleys of steel-fanged death upon their foes .
29 Protected by regiments of spearmen High Elf Archers are amongst of the most decisive troops in the army , unleashing deadly volleys of steel-fanged death upon their foes .
30 Education services similarly went through a phase of detailed examination of their weaknesses and future potential during the inter war period .
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