Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] make it " in BNC.

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1 This sort of conditioned need makes it very difficult for the horse to be taken out for the day , and makes it completely unsuitable for a day of hard work .
2 Today , of course , the importance of political parties makes it difficult for members of Parliament to claim to represent all their constituents ; but equally makes it difficult for them to assume delegate roles .
3 The capitalist system needed investment of private capital to make it grow .
4 Where bone from burials had been retained , the frequent lack of adequate documentation made it impossible to associate definitively one particular skeleton with a given Beaker pot .
5 But the violent character of the BUF and its unashamed adoption of foreign symbols made it unattractive to many who might otherwise have agreed with some of its policies , and made it doubly obnoxious to the Left .
6 Pressure groups , political organisations and other extra-Parliamentary activists vociferously expressed enough anxiety over the potential demographic transformation of British cities and the destruction of British culture to make it an issue within Parliament : the political argument culminated in the Commonwealth Immigrants Bill becoming an Act of Parliament in 1962 .
7 So it was designed to be attractive to look at , but with curves , ovals and an absence of straight lines to make it difficult to swim in .
8 Most difficult of all is the third problem , since the present manual system of serial control makes it impossible for up-to-date information about periodicals to be made available either in the Issue Hall or at other service points .
9 What is being claimed here is that , though it is of great importance , the complexity of the total set of sequential and prosodic components of intonation and of paralinguistic features makes it a very difficult thing to teach .
10 She had called it ‘ Death in the Buildings ’ , and had based it not only on the tragedy she had witnessed , but had also written of the temptation for young girls to make money by selling themselves than by working long hours for poor pay , and had followed that by writing of women 's disabilities in a world where care in childbirth was minimal , and how only the kindness of humane doctors made it possible for them to have any skilled treatment at all .
11 Indeed , the more heroic you make your hero the more you will need moments of human weakness to make it easy for readers to have that sympathetic identification .
12 They were not then a class which had consolidated its position through marriage and inheritance : the combination of their own practice and of national policy made it unlikely that they would ever be able to do so .
13 The economic stresses of our time and the pressures of international competition make it more necessary than ever before that Britain 's work-force should possess the skills and attitudes , and display the understanding , the enterprise and adaptability that the pervasive impact of technological advance will increasingly demand .
14 Opinions range from the circle of Mantegna to Antonio Lombardo or even a Milanese follower of Leonardo , but the absence of comparative material makes it difficult to pin the bronze down .
15 On the other hand , there are a lot of women who do n't command high salaries but who still want to work , yet to pay for childcare out of taxed income makes it economically impossible .
16 Does he further agree that that needs to be a Europe which is not only open and ready to trade fully with the rest of the world , but also ready to grapple with the greatest danger facing European stability , a danger which was scarcely mentioned at Maastricht , and which must be faced by ensuring that the nations of eastern Europe make it all the way to open democracies and that the vast and scattered nuclear arsenal of the former Soviet Union is brought under proper control and we prevent a great proliferation of nuclear weapons in the successor states ?
17 There , a mosaic of national and racial groups and the sensitivity of great powers made it impossible to find either simple or peaceful geographical solutions to political problems .
18 Overlapping membership and the inclusion in some membership figures of non-teaching members make it difficult to express union membership as a percentage of the teaching profession .
19 And , ironically again , the increasing specialization of Greek scholarship made it increasingly more problematic for German writers to draw on Greek literature and its topoi as wholeheartedly as they once had .
20 But the complication involved in writing the program and allowing for the high number of physical variables made it impracticable at that time .
21 The extent of unpredictable change makes it very hard for Mr Kinnock to plan his Shadow Cabinet reshuffle in advance of the election results .
22 The massive destructiveness of nuclear weapons makes it very difficult to justify them as ‘ effective ’ weapons in this sense .
23 Their emphasis on the absolute centrality of heterosexual experience made it impossible for them to see that purity feminism had anything to offer , with its emphasis on celibacy , and its view of sex as male-defined , vicious and depraved .
24 The field of housing provision is another area where the special needs of disabled people make it necessary to develop specialised knowledge and policies , to recognise that disabled people are done no service by being regarded as normal .
25 The reason why communication is achieved here by lexical means only is of course because the context of shared knowledge makes it possible to use minimal cues .
26 It is a common enough feature of Hebrew poetry to make it worth asking of every parallelistic couplet whether any gain in understanding may result from applying the present concept to it .
27 We think it would also be useful if the Director General of Fair Trading made it clear to traders that advocating follow-on credit is unfair , and expect ( from what they told us ) that the National Consumer Credit Federation and Consumer Credit Association would support him in persuading traders to abandon the practice .
28 The shoals of fish became scarce and unreliable from one year to another , probably because of overfishing when the power of modern engines made it possible for foreign boats to fish in the same waters .
29 The performance of modern gliders makes it much easier and more likely for a pilot to fly himself into a potential death trap unless he uses his imagination or has already learned to have a healthy respect for the elements .
30 Ethanol induced fragility of pancreatic lysosomes has been observed in the absence of any morphologic evidence of pancreatic damage making it unlikely that it is a secondary phenomenon .
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