Example sentences of "of [art] [adj] [adj] day " in BNC.

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1 Ed Moloney of the Irish Times wrote : ‘ … a large number of those attracted to and recruited into the party through Robinson 's efforts were different in a number of important respects from the traditional Paisley follower of the early rabble-rousing days … . ’
2 During the Gulf War the crews servicing Buccaneers at RAF ABingdon carried out the impossible ; servicing a plane in just 10 days instead of the usual 84 days by working round the clock .
3 A beautiful crop by Stephen Way , a member of the prestigious 365 Day Hairdressing organisation .
4 Whither Brecht now , on the lure of the good old days ; not to mention the nostalgia laid at the door of romantic anti-capitalism ?
5 His pizza slices certainly rekindle memories of the good old days in football … they taste like Dubbin .
6 Massalia seemed to the Romans of the late Republic and the early Empire to be a relic of the good old days : " disciplinae gravitas , prisci moris observantia " ( Val .
7 Switch on your television set these days and you can bask in the warmth of the good old days .
8 He says it will be a reminder of the good old days .
9 To arrange a visit , or for further details of the pre-application visiting days , please send in the visit request form at the back of the prospectus .
10 It is now more than 25 years since the caesium atomic clock was first used to define the second , replacing the earlier definition based on astronomical observations of the mean solar day .
11 A BBC spokesman said the BSkyB deal will not prevent them continuing their live coverage of the final two days of both the US Open and US PGA would continue .
12 Product reviews , design , marketing , and performance reviews all formed part of the intensive two day schedule .
13 If you would like to visit the University we would urge you to try to come to one of the listed visiting days .
14 She , Madeline and other colleagues have set up a London branch of the National Private Day Nurseries Association to lobby Parliament on tax relief for childcare .
15 But perhaps so too does the silence of the past 4 days .
16 This is a Greek work for love , and so instead of celebrating the eucharist , we shared this meal of love and friendship which brought in themes of the past two days — seizing the day .
17 This had been the pattern of the past two days .
18 Bombay : Heavy institutional buying signalled a rebound from the losses of the past three days .
19 Yet I can not share in the triumphalist chatter of the past three days , so reminiscent of 1987 .
20 Perhaps because she now has a set of causes to attach to the peculiar incidents of the past several days , from her inexplicably word-perfect rendition of an Aramaic drinking song to the appearance of demonic names on the optician 's chart .
21 The events of the past few days have led several ministers to recognise the difficulty of restoring full authority to the Chancellor while the Prime Minister persists in her hostility to the EMS .
22 FINANCIAL markets displayed little enthusiasm for Nigel Lawson 's speech to the Tory party conference yesterday but were prepared to grant the pound a respite from the hammering of the past few days .
23 That had always been the constitutional position , he said , but the big demonstrations of the past few days had proved that he had a popular mandate too .
24 Marie had not taken in the events of the past few days .
25 But there are still many people shocked by the events of the past few days , who never expected the Army to be prepared to launch rocket and artillery attacks on civilian targets .
26 There was something subdued about the evening after that , as if the full significance of the events of the past few days was oppressing both of them .
27 Pie day had dawned bright and clear but tons of straw and cinders had to be hastily brought in as vehicles and people sank in the mud caused by the torrential rain of the past few days .
28 The drama of the past few days in Kabul has highlighted the two central problems of modern Afghanistan : one is the difficulty of finding a balance between the dominant Pathans and the array of other ethnic groups , Tajiks , Uzbeks , Hazaras and others who occupy the northern and western parts of the country ; the other is the tension between modernising élites in Kabul and the largely tribal rural population .
29 Duncan McCrea was still in residence , as if overlooked in the mayhem of the past few days .
30 The anxieties and misgivings of the past few days disappeared as though they had never been , as Johnny kissed her and touched her and told her of his need for her ; of his despair when she had not come to him .
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