Example sentences of "of [art] [noun] [unc] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The purpose of the stickleback 's territory is different .
2 The Sir Michael Connell inquiry discovered that in 1991 , starter Capt Keith Brown had requested two alterations reduction in the width of the starting gate and switching the side of the starter 's rostrum .
3 The Sir Michael Connell inquiry discovered that in 1991 , official starter Capt Keith Brown had requested two alterations reduction in the width of the starting gate and switching the side of the starter 's rostrum .
4 Several of the rotor 's advantages were immediately apparent : because of its axial symmetry the position relative to the wind is not at all as critical as with a sail .
5 Occasionally a farm dog barked , a frog croaked by the water trough gleaming in the half-light , a rabbit caught by some predator shrieked in terror , a distant pounding of pop music indicated that the wedding of the vet 's daughter was still being celebrated .
6 Within two hours of the Chancellor 's message we took three orders for new BMW 's .
7 The VAT charges of 8 per cent next year and 17.5 per cent in 1995 will , she fears , place even greater burdens on her over-stretched budget , in spite of the Chancellor 's promise that the cost will be met by benefit increases .
8 For , if people and Parliament come to think that the judicial power is to be confined by nothing other than the judge 's sense of what is right ( or , as Selden put it , by the length of the Chancellor 's foot ) , confidence in the judicial system will be replaced by fear of it becoming uncertain and arbitrary in its application .
9 The further reduction in Scotland is a consequence of the Chancellor 's decision to assist businesses in England .
10 When the media speculates about Government intentions , they are usually proved right — with the exception of the Chancellor 's Budget pronouncements .
11 Does the right hon. Gentleman agree that the most scathing indictment of the Chancellor 's Budget judgment was his admission that unemployment would increase ?
12 ‘ The effects of the Chancellor 's Budget are not expected to be felt in the local economy for some time . ’
13 The news comes hard on the heels of the Chancellor 's kick-start to the economy in the recent Autumn statement .
14 In view of the Chancellor 's desire to maintain flexibility , the Association proposes that be should neither increase nor revalorise excise duty on spirits in the first 1993 Budget .
15 THIS is the season of the Chancellor 's Autumn Statement .
16 SHARES were on ice ahead of the Chancellor 's Autumn statement on Thursday .
17 SHARES were in limbo yesterday ahead of the Chancellor 's autumn statement due this afternoon .
18 Is the Minister aware that now that clear decisions have been taken on trust status , anxiety in Sheffield relates to the likely impact of the Chancellor 's autumn statement on the health authority 's financial position next year and in the long term , and particularly the need for greater per capita funding given the number of elderly people and the levels of health inequality and social deprivation in Sheffield , particularly in Attercliffe ?
19 This erm approach would have enabled the council to obtain some capital receipts under the terms of the chancellor 's Autumn statement .
20 He does sound like a Liberal , but I do not like to explore the murky recesses of the Chancellor 's mind .
21 CARDIFF dealers in BMWs Wyndham made their first sales within hours of the Chancellor 's announcement .
22 And a welcome wave of cuts in mortgage rates followed in the wake of the Chancellor 's announcement of a one per cent reduction in interest rates .
23 An immediate threat to jobs may stem from a sharp cutback in exploration work as a result of the Chancellor 's announcement that drilling spending can no longer be offset against PRT which is due to be paid on existing fields .
24 For lengthy passages of the Chancellor 's speech , while Mr Lawson addressed his wider audience in the City and the country at large , their on-cue responses seemed more mechanical than enthusiastic .
25 This year , for the first time , live television coverage of the chancellor 's speech had 3m people absorbed in details of complex restructurings of VAT reliefs .
26 Profit taking among construction groups wiped out the gains made in the wake of the Chancellor 's speech .
27 ITV 's Budget '93 begins at 3:15 , and includes full live coverage of the Chancellor 's speech to the Commons .
28 Once dealers had time to digest more of the Chancellor 's speech , however , the consensus around the trading screens was that it was a broadly neutral budget , and a late rally reduced the fall to 3 points to leave the index at 2,919.30 at the close .
29 The analysts have now downgraded their inflation forecasts for the rest of this year , but many are still expecting the underlying rate to creep back up to the top of the Chancellor 's target range of 4 per cent and above this summer .
30 During the 1950s Adenauer had favoured such individuals as Hans Glöbke ( who had been head of the Chancellor 's office ) and Theodor Oberländer ( a Cabinet minister ) despite their close involvement in shaping Nazi policies .
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