Example sentences of "of [art] [adj] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 And what mother of young children , whether she owns a family pet or not , has not felt even more frightened of neighbourhood Rottweilers and Dobermans when she reads of the horrific savaging and killing of children by uncontrollable animals ?
2 She was bullied by an older child of the foster family and did not receive the protection from the foster parents which she deserved .
3 The opening assault resulted in the destruction of the advance unit but they kept attacking in waves until their purpose was achieved .
4 With a repayment mortgage , you pay back a monthly sum which is not only a proportion of the outstanding debt but also interest on the remainder .
5 In order to construct an equivalent investment in the ungeared firm , the investor must purchase a proportion x of the outstanding equity and partially finance this with a loan equal to xB of the geared company 's debt .
6 Mention is made of the Equal Pay and Sex Discrimination Acts but there is no attempt to question their ultimate effectiveness .
7 Erm I 've indicated this morning that I think the employment component of the new settlement is an absolutely crucial part of the overall concept and unless you get a very good employment area , all the other objectives for the new settlement will not be achieved .
8 These two problems can be overcome but at a price in terms of the overall precision and accuracy of the result .
9 In practice of course , faced with a class of pupils , decisions have to be made , so people settle for what is on offer without any real consideration of the overall value or purpose .
10 Indeed , the enthusiasm and effectiveness with which statutory authorities have addressed these areas is often a good ‘ litmus test ’ of the overall quality and commitment of local services .
11 This raises the more general question of the overall policy and practice likely to influence the nature and scope of residential social work in years to come .
12 By contrast , there is remarkably little discussion of the overall pattern and content of undergraduate studies .
13 It takes some 5 or 6 years for a nest to produce sexual insects , so that it would appear that the complete defoliation of the immediate area or the removal of the more palatable species would lead to deteriorating conditions for the ants .
14 They walked out of the warm lobby and gasped , both of them , as the December wind whipped down the street and slapped them into the open air .
15 Add a spoonful of the warm soup and stir well .
16 Danny 's eyelids were drooping as he sat in front of the warm fire and Nellie gave him a blinding look .
17 Indeed , one of the strengths of fundamentalism is that its apologetics are within the reach of the average man and woman .
18 Certainly , one does not overhear such debates every day in the senior common room or students ' union , and any analysis of the curriculum as knowledge is likely to appear remote from the priorities and concerns of the average lecturer or student .
19 If an adult patient did not have the capacity to decide at the time of the purported refusal and still does not have that capacity , it is the duty of the doctors to treat him in whatever way they consider , in the exercise of their clinical judgment , to be in his best interests .
20 The Bank has among its responsibilities the management of the monetary system and the duty to ensure that sound banking principles are observed .
21 There must be doubt as to whether the Government fully intended the severity of the monetary squeeze and the massive rise in the real exchange rate that impinged on the economy in those years , but it is not possible to overstate the economic shock that hit industry in 1979–1981 .
22 Their function is to act as a ‘ buffer ’ between the rest of the monetary sector and the Bank of England .
23 Some of their operational balances are therefore transferred to the rest of the monetary sector and banks initially appear to have achieved what they want : more balances , fewer ‘ call ’ loans and a more favourable ratio which would allow them to lend more .
24 Indeed , the model outlined in this chapter has taken no explicit account of the monetary sector and as such is sometimes called the ‘ simple ’ Keynesian model .
25 The contracting parties shall therefore choose conversion modalities which do not cause any inflationary tendencies in the entire area of the monetary union and which at the same time increase the competitiveness of enterprises in the GDR .
26 In addition both sides expressed support for the UN Secretary-General 's efforts to achieve a stable peace between Iran and Iraq , and for the efforts of the Arab League and the Committee of Three to bring stability in Lebanon in line with the Taif accords [ see p. 36986 ] , and stated that they were willing to promote peace dialogues in the Horn of Africa .
27 Accommodationist Arab states — termed ‘ moderate ’ in the West — have found themselves occupying a difficult position in relation to the rest of the Arab world and to the superpowers outside .
28 It was natural that the youth , who grew up with the failure of the Arab world and of their elders ( and social superiors ) to recover Palestine , should become a leading political force in the country .
29 It is a battle demanding an end to foreign domination of the Arab World and its resources , and an end to the illegitimate political and economic order in the region , imposed by outside forces .
30 It is the least mechanised of our farming scenery , the least efficient and the most resistant to change because of the multiple ownership and the often rented holdings .
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