Example sentences of "of [n mass] [noun] on the " in BNC.

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1 Apart from whether the weak transmissions from a pair of £25-sets operating on the American Citizens ' Band FM frequency could have penetrated the thick walls of Blake 's cell , which were reinforced with cast-iron segments , with no external aerial and close to the 17 feet-high perimeter wall , there is also the question of how Blake managed to keep a radio in his cell without it once being noticed over six months during which he and his cell were regularly searched .
2 In the southern hemisphere , the impact of aircraft operations on the total ozone column amount is anticipated to be much smaller than in the northern hemisphere .
3 There was no evidence of aircraft failure on the crash report .
4 The project will use simulation methods to explore the merits or otherwise of basing decisions about the stability of data series on the outcome of several such tests .
5 The first indications of the new 1979 Conservative Government 's attitude to investment became apparent when BR sought approval to build an additional seven HST sets to cope with the first flush of growth following the launch of 125mph services on the East Coast main line the previous year .
6 They see only the direct links such as the number of sales people on the road , or the amount of raw material used .
7 The unprecedented level of media attention on the Royal Family in recent months had been expected to boost the figure above last year when 21 million viewers tuned in .
8 The photographs are wonderful , as is a dome of tuna mousse on the circular tiled marble floor of a hall in Princess Stefanina Aldobrandini 's Rome palazzo .
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