Example sentences of "of [Wh det] she [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then she thought of the Brownie Promise and the Brownie Law and the Brownie Motto , all of which she knew by heart and had often said aloud when riding along the country lanes , so that she would be able to say them if the wonderful day should come for her to join a Brownie Pack .
2 In 1918 she became the chief woman officer of the Labour party , in which role she was particularly active in pressing for improved working-class housing estates to include community centres with nurseries , restaurants , libraries , concert halls , and home-help services , all of which she saw as not merely desirable in themselves but essential for the emancipation of working-class housewives .
3 It did n't matter ; she was plied with drinks — most of which she disposed of when no one was looking — and received frequent requests to dance .
4 A country that gave her a cold welcome , in which the To Let signs specified ‘ No Coloureds ’ , and of which she wrote in Second-Class Citizen , ‘ If I had been Jesus I would have passed England by and not dropped a single blessing . ’
5 When a young female black-backed jackal first comes into heat she is followed by several young males , one of which she selects as her long-term partner .
6 Indigestion could be quelled with a simple magnesia tablet , thousands of which she chewed in her lifetime .
7 She becomes drawn into the business dealings of the Countess , a New York cosmetics tycoon , in the course of which she travels to the Rubber Rose Ranch , a Dakota health spa , and takes part in a revolt by the cowgirls .
8 She has always painted botanical illustrations of flowers in watercolour some of which she published in a portfolio in 1982 and others she sold .
9 The girl behind the counter was Mediterranean in her appearance , with a big shock of dark curly hair out of which she peeped as if from hiding .
10 The profound anguish and hopeless despair of this woman in the face of what she believed to be the moral ruin of her whole life can not well be described .
11 His ignorance of what she feels about his ‘ human kindness ’ — she rejects any ‘ compunctious visiting of nature ’ ( 44 ) — makes him a victim , or accomplice , who has to be instructed in hypocrisy : One of Shakespeare 's problems in having to develop an evil conspiracy in the absence of any vocal moral commentary on it is to make it judge or condemn itself .
12 The first paragraph that effectively has been drafted for her give it to B T is likely to be a repeat of what she said about T G I and I think that will be it then so I do n't think that there is any large amount of work other than her work with T G I itself .
13 The policeman typed his version of what she said on an old manual Remington .
14 Kahlo 's adoption of Tehuana dress , while being an attractive disguise of what she saw as a less than perfect body , asserted both a feminist and an anti-colonialist position .
15 During the case of the nine children who were taken into care in February 1991 , one long-standing member of the Panel resigned because of what she saw as the deterioration in the Children 's Panel Hearing system in Orkney since the suspension of Mrs Kemp .
16 A physiotherapist talked , for instance , of what she saw as the consequences of a young person complying or not with recommended regimes :
17 He went out of the chapel and saw the Mother Superior , Sister Maria Palmer , mopping the floor , a menial task designed to remind herself of what she saw as her greatest weakness : the sin of pride .
18 To take her mind off Lucenzo , she tried to make sense of what she knew about the blackmail .
19 All this was to change , however , in the year she describes as ‘ extraordinary ’ , 1963 , as a result of what she took to be the effect that television was having on public debate .
20 As he walked away from the house , Mark had remembered that it was along this street , with its brightly — almost garishly — painted houses that Sophia had once seen a cluster of what she took to be exotic tropical fruits in one of the windows , only to realise that they were tomatoes put there to ripen .
21 The arrival of the Brownings and her husband in Florence at the beginning of June was the beginning of what she felt to be a softening of her self and she was glad to find the hard crust she felt encasing her crack and dissolve .
22 Sabraxis , like Azmaveth , made no secret of what she thought about Por Tanssie .
23 She could not exactly deny the existence of what she thought of as the stranger within .
24 One of them slouched in her seat making a great show of what she thought of the event .
25 The last role heads her repertoire of what she describes as ‘ crazies ’ , a list which includes Cherubini 's Medea .
26 If , as Hugh Kenner believes , Pound never ceased to love Dorothy even while he loved Olga , this is surely part of what he loved in her , an aspect of what she meant to him ; and so Pound 's feelings for and about England were , right to the end , not much less tormented than any English reader 's can be .
27 The community planner was also aware that conflict probably did exist behind the prominence of what she perceived to be middle class agitation , but did not consider it part of her brief actively to encourage alliances that were not already formed .
28 She also spied the McPhersons to her left standing on the roof of what she presumed to be their house .
29 Blanche is made a victim through Stanley 's bestial behaviour but Blanche has brought much of what she got on herself through her lies and deception of herself and of others .
30 Elizabeth compiled the following list , with support , of what she likes about living in her own home .
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