Example sentences of "of [Wh det] you [vb mod] be " in BNC.

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1 Finally , there is the Governing Board of the College , of which you might be one of the student representatives .
2 Time and time again he will charge for the snags which are in range , including some of which you may be unaware , or others you may think are out of range .
3 All of which you will be tired of hearing but it has been brought about by my great fear that my husband will be taken off by the Brownings once more , this time to France and there is nothing we can do to prevent it they being the masters of our fate .
4 In the unlikely event that matters can not be resolved to your satisfaction in the resort , the Representative will ask you to record details of any problems on a Holiday Report Form , of which you will be given a copy , and you must then follow up your report by writing to the Customer Relations Department at our Birmingham Head Office ( quoting the numbers of your Holiday Reference and Holiday Report forms ) within 42 days of returning from resort .
5 You are also about to embark on a series of exercises that will start you on the road to a more beautiful body — a body of which you will be proud .
6 Another familiar failing of which you should be aware is the subconscious tendency of some interviewers to always look for someone who is like them and therefore to judge people on how far they match up .
7 There are three fairly recent rule changes of which you should be aware .
8 Please give an indication of what you may be able to do yourself .
9 Other drawing packages provide you with easy to use drawing tools but only IntelliDraw tries to understand the nature of what you might be drawing .
10 That is the glorious promise of what you shall be .
11 But it should do more these days about practical matters — like the tax system and keeping yourself together while you 're out of work and waiting for the next job , for that is fifty percent of what you 'll be doing .
12 To give you a better idea of what you 'll be paying for , we put five shoes from leading manufacturers to the test .
13 Erm , if a couple decide to have children , they have children for life , it 's until they erm , get married and I really think we 're given too much of this me , me and my fulfilment of what you can be , and you forget that there 's two people there , or three people who are dependent on you .
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