Example sentences of "of [Wh det] [noun sg] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Discussions with the Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund ( BMIF ) had taken place , as a result of which insurance in a limited form would be available for the benefit of those subject to disciplinary proceedings , with effect from April 1993 .
2 So , far from it being appropriate to assimilate inner perception to outer perception , as Locke does , we must acknowledge that mental phenomena are ‘ the only phenomena of which perception in the strict sense of the word is possible ’ .
3 But Mr Lowe agrees with Joe Corrie who remembers playing halma of whatever description in the Twenties .
4 In order to observe this and to try to understand something of what life in the movement was like at first hand — and , of course , to try to observe the operation of sociological variables such as social control — I lived for several periods of a week or so , over a span of six years , in Unification centres and participated in various of their functions .
5 ‘ … and that is the greatest danger , according to Minch , ’ Kraal told him one day , concluding a brief account of what life in the Cages was like .
6 It was a chance to find out a little of what life in the army is all about .
7 Ironically enough , some states , such as Jordan , Tunisia , Algeria and Morocco , have begun the painful process of establishing limited democratic structures , but they do not necessarily accept Western views of what security in the Middle East and North Africa should be .
8 All through his life he used words with power : the active voice ; the short sentence ; few adjectives ; few qualifications of principal clauses ; his books are models of what writing in a technical report should be .
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